Rasmus Balle - 2014-03-02


I've installed the EIBD on my raspberry pi with wheezy, newest build...
Done like described here:

When coming to the line, where i can test the EIBD i get an error.
I connect using TCP/IP, by doing "eibd -d -D -S -T -i ipt:"

I don't get any errors, so i think it accepts my command. But sometimes i get an error "eibd: error when loading shared libraries: libpthsem.so.20", depending on which directory i am in when executing the eibd command - is that correct? If i am in the pthsem-2.0.8 it works.

I try to use the groupswrite to send a ON/OFF command to my KNX installation:
groupswrite ip: 1/0/0 1 i get reply: "Send Request" - and nothing happens.

groupswrite ip: 1/0/0 1 1 i get reply: "usage: groupswrite url eibaddr val: Succes"

But nothing happens - please help :)