
Linguaphile / News: Recent posts

Linguaphile being worked on again

Although I'm not always working on Linguaphile, I've never stopped thinking about it.

Recently I've resumed active development at last.

I've seeded support for Vietnamese and Hebrew.

The web interface now logs the words it fails to translate so I can see where attention is most in demand.

I'll be trying to tie Linguaphile to my other project, Wiktionary, in the coming weeks and months.

Posted by Andrew Dunbar 2007-10-12

Linguaphile 0.2 released

This is the third release of Linguaphile. We now support
over 50 languages.
Since release 0.1 we have added Afrikaans, Alawa,
Albanian, Arrernte, Basque, Belarusian, Catalan, Croatian,
Galician, Hawaiian, Indonesian, Interlingua, Irish, Kala Lagaw Ya,
Kriol, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese, Maori, Pitjantjatjara,
Samoan, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Tok Pisin,
Turkish, Ukrainian, Warlpiri, and Welsh. ... read more

Posted by Andrew Dunbar 2002-07-22

Finally! Linguaphile has a web interface.

I've been doing a *lot* of work on Linguaphile in the past month.
I'm not ready to do a release just yet but, even better, I have finally gotten around to learning how to make a web
front-end for Linguaphile.
So now you can get a taste of it at last!
I really would love some interested perl and/or languages type people to help me work on improving Linguaphile now.

Posted by Andrew Dunbar 2002-07-17

Linguaphile 0.1 released

This is the second release of Linguaphile. We now support 25 languages. Since release 0.0 we have added Bulgarian, Estonian, Greek, Esperanto, Korean, Latvian, Romanian, and Thai.

Help always wanted.

Posted by Andrew Dunbar 2001-03-29

Initial public release!

Try out the first ever public version of Linguaphile now. All feedback welcome.

Posted by Andrew Dunbar 2001-03-14