
Multiple X Sessions

  • Xepo Epicmoon

    Xepo Epicmoon - 2005-07-06

    I've googled and looked through this forum, but can't find a solution to this problem.

    I tend to run my full-screen applications, like games and such in a separate X-windows session, so that I can easily switch between them and my apps.  Is there any way to run  lineak on *both* sessions?  It always fails with "Failed to start, lineakd is already running.", even when using a separate config file, or running from a different executable file.

    • Sheldon Lee Wen

      Sheldon Lee Wen - 2005-07-06

      I'd have to check and make sure that I'm getting the display from the DISPLAY environment variable. Other than that the locking mechaism currently checks to make sure that only one instance of lineakd is running under your login session. That can be disabled easily enough (in the source code) though.


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