GreaseMonkey - 2011-01-03

This epic fixing session brought to you by that thing called ZEXALL (more specifically, v0.15 of the Sega Master System port using SDSC output).

What's remaining:
- some ALU operations, dunno what, but I have confirmed that at least SOME of the basics work in SOME cases (seriously, the only tests that are failing due to this are the "aluop" tests and this may have leaked into the DAA test).
- DAA and maybe some others though I highly doubt it's SCF, CCF, or CPL that's making that one test fail.
- those dreaded 3/5 flags in BIT n,(hl). Admittedly I'm not going to bother fixing this unless there's some weird and stupid thing that requires this to be emulated accurately (in which case it's probably better to just patch that one weird and stupid thing - this quirk REALLY needs research as to what affects the internal register also known as WZ).

I've sent what's been done so far to Gabriel, and I have yet to encounter an .sgc file that libz80 (not the SGC player part itself, though) chokes on (though I haven't checked many o_O).