
compile/install for Oo on X11 (OSX)?

  • Padmavyuha

    Padmavyuha - 2003-10-25

    Hello there

    Speaking as a relative unix/linux virgin, I'm really keen to get this WP filter running on my OSX X11 version of OpenOffice. So my question is: before I go to the trouble of downloading all the stuff I need to install the stuff I need to install the... (pkg-config, glib, SDK etc. even before I get to thinking about building libwpd), does anyone know whether this will work in OSX darwin, and how to do that if so? Or maybe, has anyone already compiled it for this platform?

    Thanks in advance for any help available!

    - Padmavyuha

    PS I've also got Oo 1.1 running in Virtual PC on Win98 SE for good measure - is that more, or less complicated to build the filter for? (See? Told you I was 'inexperienced'...)

    • William Lachance

      I believe some people have had success compiling libwpd on MacOS X before. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to (given enough persistence).

    • Eric Hoch

      Eric Hoch - 2003-11-03

      Hi Padmavyuha,

      today I was able to successfully compile libwpd and wpd3sxw unter Mac OS X 10.2.8 and up to the last time this time the two files seam to work but I still get no output files. Only error (?) messages.

      But I guess that these messages have something to do with the age and/or format of my testing documents. Maybe they are too old for the filter to know the format because if I understand thinks right only WP 4.2 up to WP6 formated documents convert with this filter here and I donnot know with which version they were written.

      Second possible error could be that they are written in german.

      Mails to the wp-dev mailinglist are out and I hope for a bit of help.

      But be warned I donnot have the time to constantly work on  getting the filters run under Mac OS X since I have enough work to do in the german nativ language project.

      All in all it's not trivial but possible to compile the filters  now they only must convert.


    • William Lachance

      The current stable (released) version of libwpd/wpd2sxw only support WP versions 6 and greater.

      libwpd 0.7.0 will support versions 4 and 5.

    • Eric Hoch

      Eric Hoch - 2003-11-05

      thank for the informations will?
      One question, do you have a test document or something like that?
      At the moment I constantly get the following error (?) message when trying to convert a document written in WP 6.1.
      wpd2sxw test.wpd test_ooo.sxw
      dyld: wpd2sxw Undefined symbols:
      Trace/BPT trap

      Could it be because the documents are in german. Sorry I donnot have WP on my Mac OS X so I only can test with document other users send me.

    • William Lachance

      Definitely not because the documents are German. Did you compile libwpd/wpd2sxw with g++ (not gcc)? IIRC, this sort of error message can happen if you try to compile C++ code with a C compiler.

    • Eric Hoch

      Eric Hoch - 2003-11-10

      I don't know which compiler os x used. I just switched in the directory after unpacking the source package and ran ./configure followed by "make" and a "make install". I did so with both the lipwpd and the wpd2sxw sources. Where could there be the error? Do I need a special prefix or something to give to the compiler?

      I will try my luck with the 0.6.6 version of libwpd again. Maybe I have more luck this time.

    • William Lachance

      You could try exporting the variable CXX to something sensible on the command line. E.g.: 'export CXX=g++'. Then re-rerun configure.


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