
LibrePlan / News: Recent posts

LibrePlan adds Issue and Risklog features to its excellent project planner

In the upcoming 1.5 release of LibrePlan there will be a new icon on the front page and it's for a full featured Issue and Risk log. Bot Issue and Risklog will be available as separate tabs within the Issue/Risklog perspective. Both screens will contain several relevant tabs and you can order a lot of these columns to quickly find the information you are looking for. The issue/risklog perspective will also be available within a project. The fact that Issue/Risklog are available in both single and multi project vorw gives you the unique posibility to quickly find for example all issues with a high risk. On top of that, the most important columns use colors to make it more easy to see the big picture. I bet you are dying to see it in action? Well, you can on our development website But let me just give you a glimpse here: he fact that Issue/Risklog are available in both single and multi project vorw gives you the unique posibility to quickly find for example all issues with a high risk. On top of that, the most important columns use colors to make it more easy to see the big picture. I bet you are dying to see it in action? Well, you can on our site.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-04-18

Meeting with translator of French version of LibrePlan book Philippe Poumaroux.

Last weekend there was a meeting with Phlippe Poumaroux, the French translator of the "Libreplan, the missing manual" book. He also showed the LibrePlan docker containers he developed and a great new way to test the gui using the Moonraker framework and how to use the output to automatically generate documentation. It was a very nice meeting!

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-03-29

New revolutionary notification functionality slated for 1.5 release

LibrePlan, the popular open source project plannig application will have email notification functionality in the upcoming 1.5 release. We are very proud of this new and very user friendly piece of functionality and we will let you in on this currently well guarded secret by showing you two screenshots: The first is the page were the site administrator can configure the settings to connect to an email server: The second is the page where the site administrator can edit the template for the notification: As you can see the administrator has full control over the contents of the notification and he can use special keywords (as shown in the right) where he wants them in the text. Of course this is all build in our multi-language context. For every notification type the administrator can grant a special role to individual users. This way he has full control who receives a notification. Sending of notifications is handled by a scheduled job so, again, the administrator can tune how often he wants to alert his users about changes in the system.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2016-02-08

Come see the upcoming new features of LibrePlan

During the weekend of november 29th the yearly conference T-DOSE is happening again at the Fontys Technical University in the city of Eindhoven, the Netherlands. On Sunday November 29th, during a one hour talk from 12:00-13:00, Jeroen Baten, LibrePlan's Global Project Leader, will show some of the new features that are slated for the 1.5 release. More info can be found on the T-DOSE website ( and on the page with the details of the talk

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-11-01

Philippe Poumaroux starts translating "LibrePlan, the missing manual" to the French language.

Philippe Poumaroux has joined the LibrePlan team to start translating the succesfull book "LibrePlan, the missing manual" to the French language.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-10-03

We welcome Bjørn Vos to the LibrePlan as LibrePlan Global Sales Manager

We are very happy and proud that we can anounce that Bjørn Vos will be the Global Sales Manager for the LibrePlan project. We are convinced that he can help our clients use LibrePlan in their organisations as best as possible.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-09-24

We welcome new developer Misha to the team

We welcome Misha who will start working as a junior Java on the LibrePlan project.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-09-04

New developer Vova welcome to the team.

Please join me in welcoming Vova as a new developer to the development team.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-08-06

LibrePlan 1.4.1 has been released!

LibrePlan, the popular and feature complete project management application, version 1.4.1 has been published with the features contributed to the project since our last release.

First of all, we want to thank all the people and organizations that have made this new version possible.

Among them, we would like to specifically mention Oscar Gonzalez Fernandez for all his hard work on the project. But also Philippe Poumaroux and Martin van Middelkoop for their patches and Kent Thoresen for contributing the Norwegian Bokmal language.... read more

Posted by Jeroen Baten 2015-05-15

Book "LibrePlan, the missing manual" becomes available.

And not only that, there now is also a nice manual with training exercises that I use when I give a training at a customer site. Now that all the writing is done, it is time to start another kind of writing. Next thing is working towards a new release! I hope to tell more about the features that will be in there soon. IMG-20140227-WA0002 For now, I am just happy with the book. I hope you are too. Kind regards. Jeroen Baten LibrePlan Community Manager

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2014-02-27

LibrePlan number 2 in the list of great Project Management applications!

Robin writes: "This is another full featured tool supporting resource allocation, Gantt charts, financials, and more. These features coupled with a web based application make LibrePlan a great collaboration platform." Sofar, nothing new :-) Then he continues: "LibrePlan ranks in my personal top 3 favorite open source project management tools because of its modern design and balanced user interface, as well as, good and complete documentation, built in reporting, and professional support." To us regular users of LibrePlan this is probably no news, but it is always good to have someone write such nice works about our project. Behind the scenes we are still working very hard on this project and when there is more news we will sure let you all know about it asap. Greets, Jeroen.

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2014-01-09

LibrePlan 1.4 has been released!

LibrePlan 1.4 version is published with the features contributed in the project since Christmas.

First of all, we want to thank all the people and organizations that have made this new version possible.
Among them, we want to mention specially to the St. Antonius Zienkenhuis Hospital (in The Netherlands) which has been
the main contributor on this occasion.

Here the report of the main developments in LibrePlan 1.4 that we hope you enjoy:... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2013-04-29

Christmas update: LibrePlan 1.3.3 and its new mobile application

We have released an upgrade of the 1.3 LibrePlan version with some improvements and fixes, and a brand new specific mobile app is now availiable.

Just some weeks after the previous release, we are launching LibrePlan 1.3.3, which includes some small improvements and fixes of idenfied issues.

We also want to use this annoucement to communicate that a LibrePlan mobile application has been developed. This is a tool to allow LibrePlan users to access the tasks they are assigned to, from any project, report worked hours and check their progresses from a mobile device.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-12-21

LibrePlan 1.3.2 is released!

It has been a month and a half since the last release of LibrePlan and
we are already in conditions to provide our users with a new version of
the 1.3.X series, LibrePlan 1.3.2. Two events are the main responsible
for allowing us to share with you new interesting enhancements:
LibrePlan hackfest LibrePlan hackfest celebration and the development of
three sponsored features of general interest for the program. ... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-12-03

LibrePlan presented at the T-DOSE event

T-DOSE is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote use
and development of Open Source Software. During this event Open Source
projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and knowledge.

This year, Jeroen Baten, Dutch LibrePlan community manager and LibrePlan
contributor will present the project at the T-DOSE event on October,
27th, from 15:00 - 16:00 PM. Read the full schedule at read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-10-26

First LibrePlan hackfest on November the 8th!

On November, the 8th the first LibrePlan hackfest will take place in A Coruña (Spain)

This is the first hackfest that the LibrePlan community is organizing and it will take place on November the 8th, in A Coruña at Igalia premises. This hackfest is sponsored by Igalia.

We invite to attend to all the people interested in the project. Although you are not a contributor yet, we would be happy to count with you. It is a great opportunity to know the project from inside talking with the LibrePlan team members. We can arrange discussions, training activities, developing workshops, etc.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-10-17

Time for a minor release, LibrePlan 1.3.1 is

LibrePlan 1.3.1 has been launched with the latest enhancements and some new features

After summertime is over in Europe, where the main LibrePlan developers live, we think that it is a good time to provide our users with the new things incorporated into the stable branch since the release of the LibrePlan 1.3.0 version, on July the 27th.

The major developments included in the 1.3.1 version are the next ones:
* Catalan as new language, thanks to the work of translation done by Daniel Díaz Sañudo. With Catalan LibrePlan is already fully avaliable in seven languages - English, Catalan, Dutch, French, Galician, Italian and Spanish - and, besides, German and Polish are very close to this 100% percentage of completion. But we do not want to stop here, we want to keep growing. Therefore, if you live in a country with a non-supported language and you want to enjoy LibrePlan in your mother tongue, we will be glad to accept your translation.
* Web service API extension. A new DELETE operation has been incorporated to the LibrePlan web service for importing timesheets into the program. Many LibrePlan users have their company timesheets stored in other applications and they include them into LibrePlan automatically using our planner web service API. For this scenario, sometimes it is necessary to be able to delete some already imported timesheet data to correct possible mistakes. Having the capacity to fix these errors has been the rationale behind the addition of this new DELETE operation.
* New twice-weekly and weekly personal timesheets. In LibrePlan 1.3.0 we included a special type of timesheets called monthly timesheets. The monthly timesheets were designed having employees in mind (bound workers) so that, by using them, they could track the work done by themselves in a whole month. The idea was that the monthly timesheets could be used to meet the payrolls according to the time devoted by the employees each month. However, there are companies that pay the salaries per week or twice-weekly and this has been the reason to add the option of having personal timesheets with three periodicities: monthly, twice-weekly and weekly. From now on, there is a global configuration option to select the type of personal timesheets you want to use in your LibrePlan deployment.
* Reporting the project status. LibrePlan has a wide set of reports that can be extracted in PDF, ODT or HTML. This set of reports can be extended to satisfy all the imaginable reporting needs. In this occasion, we have included a new printout with the project WBS. The WBS is the description of the work to be planned in a project and the report has a row per activity with the next columns: the task name, the budgeted estimated number of hours to do, the total planned hours and the total tracked worked time. We hope you find it useful!
* Dates internationalization. There were some places where the date format was not respecting the convention defined by the locale. This has been fixed and, from now on, you can see all the dates provided by LibrePlan in a format coherent with the language in which the user is navigating.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-10-15

Road to LibrePlan 1.4

Yesterday LibrePlan community agreed the roadmap for the next major version 1.4.

LibrePlan 1.4 roadmap has been defined by the project community members in a public meeting as we usually do (you can read the minutes - - for more information).

In the LibrePlan team we regard as very important to listen to the feedback of our users to know where they find difficulties on using the program. And according to it, for the next release, we have made the decision of devoting a significant effort to solve some of these usability issues. This, for sure, is one of the main targets of the LibrePlan 1.4 version.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-10-10

LibrePlan 1.3 is here

After some delay the LibrePlan team is proud to announce the release of a new major version of the tool, LibrePlan 1.3. Hence, for those of you who were waiting for it, thank you for your patient and understanding! :)

In LibrePlan 1.3 we have fulfilled the targets that we had identified as top priority in the roadmap ( and this makes us happy, because of the work done and because we think that with the new features included we are providing LibrePlan with new capabilities. With LibrePlan 1.3 we are making the planner better for collaborative, real-time scenarios where many different people in the organization interacts with the projects planning.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-07-26

Some updates about LibrePlan 1.3

In the last coordination meeting LibrePlan contributors fixed a new estimated date for the 1.3 release and closed the set of features that will be shipped.

LibrePlan release 1.3 was estimated to be launched in April 2012, by week 14. This date was decided in the roadmap definition meeting held after the release 1.2. These roadmap definition meetings are celebrated after each major version and have the purpose of assessing the status of the project and defining its future according to the feedback received by users, taking into account technical needs identified by the developers, listening to the preferences of contributors depending on their experience, etc.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-05-14

Ask us a question!

LibrePlan team wants to announce the publication of a new communication channel available for all the people interested in the project.

This new channel is a Question/Answer site and is thought to be used by anyone having a doubt about any aspect of LibrePlan. A Question/Answer site is a specialized forum with the following features:
* It has as clear target to do questions and to reply to them. Messages are organized in threads and they have: one message which is the question and zero or more messages which are replies to the inquiry.
* Questions are tagged with any word which can help to identify it. Example of tags are the topic of the question, the language in which is done, the module of the program they are about, ...
* Questions and answers can be rated.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-05-03

LibrePlan 1.2.3 is published

The LibrePlan contributors are happy to deliver to all our users a new version of the program with all the changes developed in the current stable branch of LibrePlan since our former version, 1.2.2, released on March the 15th, 2012. This version is the 1.2.3 and, probably, will be the last maintenance release before LibrePlan 1.3.

The major developments in 1.2.3 are the next ones:

* Money based cost monitoring system.... read more

Posted by Jacobo Aragunde Pérez 2012-04-19

LibrePlan 1.2.2 is here!

A new version of LibrePlan is released including lots of improvements and two new languages (French and Dutch)

It is a pleasure for us to announce that, from now on, a new version, LibrePlan 1.2.2, is available for you and that you can already enjoy both the new contributions received and the enhancements done by the team members since our last release 1.2.1.

The major developments which come with this new version are the next ones:... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-03-15