
LibrePlan / News: Recent posts

LibrePlan 1.3 Roadmap Published

LibrePlan community announces the roadmap for version 1.3

Two weeks ago, LibrePlan community held a public meeting to define the 1.3 release of the project ( In LibrePlan we celebrate this kind of meetings to define the evolution strategy for the project. Both developers and users are invited to participate and in the debate common factors that are taken into account are the general interest of a feature according to the feedback received by the users, technical needs identified by the developers, preferences of contributors according to their experience, etc.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-01-27

LibrePlan 1.2.1 released

Minor release with many enhancements

We announce the release of a new minor version of LibrePlan, 1.2.1. It includes all the work we have done to improve the current behavior of the application since last version 1.2.0, released in December 2011, and, besides, we have included some small but interesting new features:

* Interface in Italian as an option. LibrePlan is fully translated into Italian thanks to the work done by Giuseppe Zizza. With this there are 6 language currently available: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Russian and Italian.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-01-19

LibrePlan lightning talk at FOSDEM 2012

LibrePlan will be present at FOSDEM 2012 with a lightning talk on Sunday, 5th of February in Brussels

LibrePlan team, through the Igalia member Diego Pino (, will be present at FOSDEM 2012 ( with a lightning talk.

FOSDEM is the acronym for The Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting and is a two-day event organized by volunteers to promote the widespread use of Free and Open Source software. It takes place in the beautiful city of Brussels (Belgium) once a year and they say that FOSDEM meetings are recognized as "The best Free Software and Open Source events in Europe".... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2012-01-19

Announcing next public LibrePlan roadmap meet

LibrePlan community will meet in a public event to define the LibrePlan 1.3 roadmap on January 11th

As usual, LibrePlan community will hold a public meeting in the #libreplan IRC channel on ( after Christmas holidays, on Wednesday 11th January at 16:30 CET (GMT +1) (

It will be a public encounter and all LibrePlan developers, collaborators and users are invited to attend. The purpose is to debate and give priority to the features that will be included in the next version (LibrePlan 1.3).... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-12-22

Libreplan 1.2 has been released!

After some months of hard work we are proud to announce that LibrePlan 1.2.0 is finally here. We invite you to discover what is new in this version and to enjoy the new project website.

In the 1.2.0 version the project has been renamed to LibrePlan and this will be the official name for the project from now on. With the new name, decided by the community, we are remarking that LibrePlan is a generic purpose planning tool, suitable to many sectors.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-12-01

LibrePlan 1.2: Call For Translators

We are about to release LibrePlan 1.2 and we need help to translate it to more languages.

Currently LibrePlan is available in English, Spanish, Galician and Russian (not updated to last changes yet). Moreover the Portuguese and Japanese translations are in progress and will be ready soon. So, if you speak any other language and want to use the tool in your mother tongue, we invite you to translate LibrePlan.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-11-11

LibrePlan will be released soon!

Development community has changed the status of the next program release, version 1.2, to frozen state. In that version NavalPlan will be renamed to LibrePlan, and, from then on, it will be the official name for the project.
Entering frozen state means that:
* From now on the acceptance of new features is stopped.
* The project starts a testing-centered period in which the application will be reviewed in a comprehensive manner.
* In short it will be delivered the new release.
This is a special and hoped version for everybody close to the project because several exciting things will happen.
As we have been announcing lately a new name will be had, LibrePlan. Besides, taking advantage of this event, a new web site will be published, a new design, a new logo... Project members will be like children with new shoes!
Apart from this rebranding, new valuable features will be incorporated too. Among then, they are highlighted for instance:
* The update of the UI framework ZK version, from 3.6.4 to 5.0.9. This has been a great effort, but will allow us to get advantage of the latest innovations in rich web interfaces and enjoy both the performance and architectural enhancements of this new version
* State sharing among projects perspectives (Project Details, Project Scheduling, Resources Load, Advanced Allocation and Monte Carlo). This will allow users to work in the project planning in a more natural way moving freely among these views without the need to save at each step.
Stay tuned to upgrade to LibrePlan soon!

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-11-04

LibrePlan will be at LSWC (2011)

LibrePlan team will deliver a talk at the Libre Software World
Conference (LSWC) held in Zaragoza (Spain) on November 9th and 10th

Libre Software World Conference [0] is the most important free software
conference with professional and business focus celebrated in Spain.
Without any doubt, it is the right place to know the main Spanish free
software projects and a place to meet up with free software
enthusiasts. ... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-10-28

NavalPlan 1.1.3 is out

New minor release of NavalPlan project with some interesting bugfixes.

Today we are launching a new minor version of NavalPlan. This time the main reason is to fix an important issue saving big projects that use labels from Gantt view.

Apart from that bug, some other issues has been fixed too:
* Reviewed and fixed some problems in reports.
* Server language does not affect translations anymore.
* Added a new log file to register information about login attempts.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-08-12

New release NavalPlan 1.1.2

A new minor version of NavalPlan is released today

Thanks to our users, we have detected a critical bug that was causing concurrency problems while you are editing a project which uses labels. This was due to a wrong mapping in the relationship between projects and labels.

The problem above has been the main reason for the new release. However, it also includes all the bugs fixed in stable branch since 1.1.1. Among them we highlight:
* Users can now be removed.
* Printing appears in user language and not in server language.
* Default password warnings are hidden if user is disabled.
* Fixed issue with Sigmoid function if user has consolidated progress in a task.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-07-18

LDAP Support in LibrePlan

LibrePlan development branch already provides LDAP integration

Yesterday LDAP remote branch has been merged into master, this means that next version LibrePlan 1.2 will have LDAP support as planned in the roadmap ( With current implementation you will be able to configure LibrePlan to authenticate against LDAP, creating new users automatically in LibrePlan if they do not exist yet. Moreover you could define how LibrePlan roles are going to match with LDAP ones, this will allow to manage easily LibrePlan roles for LDAP users.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-07-12

Development coordination meetings

Starting next week LibrePlan (aka NavalPlan) community will hold coordination meetings every two weeks.

Now that LibrePlan (aka NavalPlan) community is growing, project members have decided to arrange periodic meetings to properly follow the development. These coordination meetings are going to take place in public IRC channel at Freenode every 2 weeks on Mondays at 12:00 (central European time). These meetings are intended to be short and the main goal is review the tasks DONE and TODO for each developer.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-06-14

NavalPlan 1.1.1 released

First minor version after NavalPlan 1.1.0 with interesting enhancements.

Three weeks after our previous release, today we're launching NavalPlan 1.1.1. As usual this new version includes all bugfixes done in stable branch since last release.

About this version, we would like to highlight the work done to fix some memory leaks which should improve memory usage. For this reason, we encourage you to upgrade to this new release.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-06-07

Roadmap to LibrePlan 1.2

Project community has defined the roadmap for upcoming version.

Today in a public meeting at #navalplan IRC channel on (, project community has defined the main features to be included in the next major release. As agreed in a previous meeting (, starting on upcoming major version we will use LibrePlan as project name.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-06-01

NavalPlan 1.1 is out!

This week NavalPlan 1.1 is finally released with important improvements.

After more than 4 months of hard work, we're finally releasing a new major version of NavalPlan. In this version we're fulfilling an important part of the planned roadmap.

The main features included in this new version are:

* Fixed problem with WebKit based browsers.

Now WebKit based browsers (Chrome, Safari, Epiphany) and last version of
Firefox are fully supported.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-05-19

NavalPlan at LinuxTag

NavalPlan team will deliver a talk at LinuxTag 2011, one of the most important events about Linux and open source software in Europe.

We'll be at LinuxTag ( this year on the Business and Administration track ( Diego Pino (, member of the NavalPlan team, will be in charge of delivering a talk about the project. On his presentation, Diego will talk about how NavalPlan started, what makes it special compared to other project management tools, the technology stack behind it and give some insight about the incipient community around NavalPlan. Altogether with real-time demos.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-05-06

New NavalPlan 1.0.6 version

A new minor release of NavalPlan is published today.

This is an unexpected minor release due to several important bugs detected during stabilization process of development branch for upcoming 1.1 version.

The most important issues fixed in this release are (see project wiki for more information\):
* Fixed problems when tasks with zero hours are in critical path.
* Improve feedback to user when some error happens (adding exception stacktrace).
* Solved issues removing entities related with others.
* Fixed sorting problems in resources load chart.
* Avoid creation of duplicate quality forms in tasks.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-04-27

Released NavalPlan 1.0.5

A new minor version of NavalPlan is relased today.

This will be the last minor version for 1.0.x cycle, as we have forecast to launch version 1.1 in a few weeks.

In this new release we add a lot of bugfixes done in stable branch, including some important issues detected during training courses that were taught lately.

As usual you can download NavalPlan 1.0.5 (, test it on-line ( and read more info about this release in wiki project (

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-04-08

NavalPlan 1.1 delayed

Next NavalPlan major release is delayed two weeks.

Following the roadmap ( NavalPlan 1.1 should be out during this week, however we
had not started in time the testing process to make development branch stable
enough in order to launch a major release.

We are starting this week the testing period that will last till week 16, where
the new version 1.1 would be released. So, we would be really glad to receive
bugs during these 2 weeks in order to release a better version.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-04-06

New name for the project

Join the decision process about the new name for NavalPlan

As you already know, NavalPlan was originally developed to improve the production management of the companies from galician naval auxiliary sector. That was one of the reasons to choose the current name.

Finally, the project developed is a general planning tool valid for any company or organization that wants to plan its resources in terms of projects and tasks. Anyway, NavalPlan will be kept as a custom solution of this project for naval sector.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-04-05

New version NavalPlan 1.0.4

Released 1.0.4 NavalPlan version, including all bugfixes done during the last weeks.

As in the rest of 1.0.x series, it's a new Navalplan bugfixing version in which we include all corrections done on the stable branch since the previous release. Among others, we remark the next ones:
* Resolved some stability problems that appeared under certain circumstances.
* Managed previously unhandled corner cases that were raising uncaught
* Minor improvements on usability.
* Fixed several issues manipulating tasks tree (WBS).
* Solved problems for users with read-only permissions.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-03-17

New development documentation

Two new tutorials related to software development in NavalPlan.

We have just published new development documentation that will help you to know better NavalPlan internal structure. Documents are intended for developers.

You can find the documents in HTML format in the following URLs (original files are available in project repository):
* read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-03-11

New Version NavalPlan 1.0.3

Some weeks after last stable version, we are releasing NavalPlan 1.0.3 with several fixed bugs.

A new bugfixing release of NavalPlan, in which we include all the fixes done in stable branch since previous version.

Among other things, we have fixed some important issues in advanced allocation screen that caused problems in scheduling. Besides, we have fixed some bugs on limiting resources usage. Moreover, we have improved interface usability in allocation window.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-02-16

NavalPlan at FOSDEM

NavalPlan will be present at FOSDEM 2011.

FOSDEM ( is one of the most important free software conferences in the world. And NavalPlan (, as any open source project, could not miss the chance to be there.

Xavier Castaño (, one of team members, will be in Brussels this weekend and he will be willing to answer any question about NavalPlan. Ask him about any topic related with the project: main functionalities, live demo, community, ...... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-02-03

New sections on NavalPlan website

Today we have added two new sections on NavalPlan website: Blogs and Services.

In the Blogs ( section you could find posts related with the project published by some members of NavalPlan community in their personal blogs. If you have a blog that talks regularly about NavalPlan just contact us ( and we add your blog if contents are appropriated. This section has its own RSS feed ( in order that you can follow it easily.... read more

Posted by Manuel Rego Casasnovas 2011-01-26