
Ancora non funziona

  • Vincenzo Annunziata

    Sto scaricando continuamente gli aggiornamenti ma il problema  sempre lo stesso: non scarica la posta. Mi viene sempre visualizzata la finestra in cui mi si chiede il nome account e la password.
    Ha funzionato solo il primo giorno con la versione 0.0.4
    Qui il log.

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1448] ?? Ip address real port 2000

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1448] ?? Ip address real port 2000

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.9 build #0 pop3 server ready

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] <- USER

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

    DBG(popserver.c, 145): [1688] <- PASS *********
    DBG(libhttp.c, 378): Connecting... server:, url: /

    DBG(libhttp.c, 342): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

    DBG(libhttp.c, 378): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

    DBG(libhttp.c, 391): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

    DBG(libhttp.c, 182): error in libhttp!DBG(libhttp.c, 365): Httpget failed!

    DBG(libero_engine.c, 234): Network error while contacting server.
    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] -> -ERR AUTHENTICATION FAILED/NETWORK ERROR

    DBG(threads.c,  74): thread 0 will die
    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1448] ?? Ip address real port 2000

    DBG(threads.c,  99): cleaning thread 0
    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.9 build #0 pop3 server ready

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] <- USER

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

    DBG(popserver.c, 145): [1688] <- PASS *********
    DBG(libhttp.c, 378): Connecting... server:, url: /

    DBG(libhttp.c, 342): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

    DBG(libhttp.c, 378): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

    DBG(libhttp.c, 391): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

    DBG(libhttp.c, 342): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: XaM3_Cnx_Cookie=15100

    DBG(libhttp.c, 342): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: notifica=deleted

    DBG(libhttp.c, 342): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: ID=deleted

    DBG(libhttp.c, 342): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: NIOLID=1069072177495_Vat17_3d_K1O1A_7c_qVNv_3d_ARU_7c_odCqaG_3d_LtSfH2rS9pIoqNNN8MXcxAokoFPeLugO

    DBG(libhttp.c, 342): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: NIOLlogin=1069072177000_VweW1_3d_kdKVAhbm_7c_tS37ntAp_3d_iVc6BOPa_7c_8EqbL_3d_w_2e__7c_215Mw0KveE6s_3d_PdO3t3euaqMpJg4sudxBNrUei0MtiP_7c_WJ8CX_3d_Unc_7c_CcgR4rW_3d_JP4K3bx6mqmMJ6oZBu6rmnEgeK1fuEs

    DBG(libero_engine.c, 243): Login OK
    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] -> +OK ACCESS ALLOWED

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] <- STAT

    DBG(libhttp.c, 378): Connecting... server:, url: /cgi-bin/webmail.cgi?ID=IEV5yo4tkAdAKUfwHvPIwDnr8ndgUFjy8Z9Fc&Act_Msgs=1&C_Folder=aW5ib3g%3D

    DBG(libhttp.c, 182): error in libhttp!DBG(libhttp.c, 365): Httpget failed!

    DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1688] -> -ERR STAT FAILED, WHAT A SHAME

    DBG(threads.c,  74): thread 0 will die
    d: POP-> Network error getting inbox list!

    • Vincenzo Annunziata

      Adesso  peggiorato, dopo un primo controllo in cui devo sempre confermare username e password mi viene generato il seguente errore:
      "L'istruzione a "0x78001d0b" ha fatto riferimento alla memoria....."

      Ho saputo da tanti altri amici a cui avevo raccomondato Libero Pops che hanno lo stesso problema: NON scarica nulla!!
      Chi ci aiuta?

    • Giacomo Tenaglia

      e` un problema dei server di libero di oggi.
      il problema relativo alla memoria e` un riflesso del ricevere risposte invalide dai suddetti server.

      • rik

        rik - 2003-11-19

        cosa significa problema temporaneo dei server?
        E' tutto il giorno che non va. Non sar mica che ci hanno sabotati?!
        Io ho provato a cambiare lo user agent ma continua a dare l'errore.
        Se scoprite la causa nonch la soluzione fateci sapere
        grazie per il fantastico prg...anche se mi  durato 1g :<

      • Marco Cimmino

        Marco Cimmino - 2003-11-19

        E' vero che oggi il portale non funziona bene, ma html2pop3 (un programma simile al vostro) funziona benissimo.
        Da notare che a detta del suo programmatore, Libero ha introdotto delle simpatiche "cose" che alle volte funzionano in un modo alle volte in un altro, tanto per mandare in crisi questo tipo di programmi.

        • rik

          rik - 2003-11-19

          hai ragione...ho provato con HTML2POP3 e funziona perfettamente...evidentemente hanno attivato qualche gabbola che inibisce il buon lp...speriamo che gli sviluppatori siano presto in grado di risolvere il problema...

          per il momento suggerisco di usare HTML2POP3 che effettivamente va!

    • Vincenzo Annunziata

      Ancora oggi da errori.
      Outlook segnala errore e quando mi avvicino con il mouse sull'iconcina di Libero Pops questa sparisce, non  pi in memoria.
      Ma insoma funziona o on funziona questo pgm?
      Sto scaricando tutte le versioni ma non va!
      Ma insomma che bisogna fare?

    • Giacomo Tenaglia

      non e` che c'e` stato molto tempo per metterlo a punto, dopo che libero ha annunciato la chiusura dei popserver.

      finche` non ci si stabilizza un minimo cerca di essere aggiornato con l'ultima versione (attualmente 0.0.11). c'e` da dire che si sta andando nettamente verso la suddetta stabilizzazione.

    • Vincenzo Annunziata

      Anche con la versione 11 non riesco ad ottenere nulla, ne io e nemmeno la mia cerchia di amici. A tutti chiede sempre la password.
      Qui sotto i 2 log
      Wed Nov 19 09:59:44 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> liberopops started
      Wed Nov 19 09:59:44 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 09:59:44 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] <- USER

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 148):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] <- PASS *********

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:08 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:09 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:09 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:10 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:10 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 439):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:40 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:41 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:41 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:42 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:13:43 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:13:43 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:32 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:32 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:32 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:32 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:32 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:32 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:33 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:34 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:34 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:34 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:34 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:34 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:34 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:35 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:14:36 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:14:36 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:18 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] -> -ERR NETWORK ERROR

      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(threads.c,  79):
      Wed Nov 19 10:15:19 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> thread 0 will die

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(threads.c, 104):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> cleaning thread 0

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] <- USER

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 148):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1760] <- PASS *********

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:11 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:16:13 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:16:13 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] <- USER

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 148):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] <- PASS *********

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:17 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 439):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:30 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:31 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:46 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:46 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:46 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:46 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:46 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:46 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:47 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:22:48 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:22:48 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:01 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] -> -ERR NETWORK ERROR

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(threads.c,  79):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:02 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> thread 1 will die

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(threads.c, 104):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> cleaning thread 1

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] <- USER

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 151):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(popserver.c, 148):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> [1464] <- PASS *********

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:05 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 439):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:23 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:24 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 498):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:38 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 475):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> httpget failed!

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 213):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Network error logging in

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 184):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Network error while contacting server.

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> DBG(libero_engine.c, 178):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: INTERNAL-> Trying to login to website...

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libero_utils.c, 157):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Entering in libero_login...

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 485):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Connecting... server:, url: /

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:23:39 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:24:20 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 356):
      Wed Nov 19 10:24:20 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> error 10054 in libhttp!

      Wed Nov 19 10:24:20 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 462):
      Wed Nov 19 10:24:20 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Error while getting page, retrying

      Wed Nov 19 10:24:20 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 226):
      Wed Nov 19 10:24:20 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:24:21 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> DBG(libhttp.c, 249):
      Wed Nov 19 10:24:21 2003 liberopopsd: POP-> Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds

      Wed Nov 19 10:24:21 2003 liberopopsd: 0S

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1760] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1760] <- USER

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1760] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1760] <- PASS *********
      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 439): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1760] -> -ERR NETWORK ERROR

      DBG(threads.c,  79): thread 0 will die
      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      DBG(threads.c, 104): cleaning thread 0
      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1760] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1760] <- USER

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1760] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1760] <- PASS *********
      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1464] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1464] <- USER

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1464] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1464] <- PASS *********
      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 439): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 16 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1464] -> -ERR NETWORK ERROR

      DBG(threads.c,  79): thread 1 will die
      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1904] ?? Ip address real port 2000

      DBG(threads.c, 104): cleaning thread 1
      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1464] -> +OK LiberoPOPs 0.0.11 build #7162 pop3 server ready

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1464] <- USER

      DBG(popserver.c, 151): [1464] -> +OK PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD

      DBG(popserver.c, 148): [1464] <- PASS *********
      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 439): Ricevuto nuovo cookie: Libero=

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /inc/check_ip_js.php

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 498): Connecting... server:, url: /email.php?*********&choice=iol&Act_Login.x=0&Act_Login.y=0

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 17 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 475): httpget failed!
      DBG(libero_utils.c, 213): Network error logging in

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 184): Network error while contacting server.

      DBG(libero_engine.c, 178): Trying to login to website...

      DBG(libero_utils.c, 157): Entering in libero_login...

      DBG(libhttp.c, 485): Connecting... server:, url: /

      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 18 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 356): error 10054 in libhttp!
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying
      DBG(libhttp.c, 226): Timeout for connecting is 19 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 249): Timeout for the answer is 15 seconds
      DBG(libhttp.c, 462): Error while getting page, retrying

    • Ronny Fox

      Ronny Fox - 2003-11-19

      Confermo, purtroppo, 19.11.2003 ore 11.18, non funge :O(

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-11-19

      Qalcuno di voi sa se  possibile cambiare il nome del server dal cfg?
      Vi spiego.
      Ho visto che la maggior parte delle volte che Liberopops smette di funzionare  perch cambiano il sito di login ad es. ora e dal log file ho visto che i tentativi vengono effettuati su wpop19, wpop2 e wpop5, ma non su wpop8.

      • Alessio Caprari

        Alessio Caprari - 2003-11-19

        Quando si fa login sul sito web di Libero, si viene dirottati su un server a caso a partire da wpop1 fino a wpop20.
        Lo stesso fa LiberoPOPs, sceglie il server a caso.

    • Vincenzo Annunziata

      Beh posso confermare che senz'altro il nostro neonato LiberoPops ha difficolt.
      Ma in questo momento andando via web, inserisco i miei dati e leggete qui sotto cosa mi restituisce Libero:
      Motivo: nome utente o password non validi.
      Non sei ancora registrato? Cosa aspetti, registrati subito a Libero...


    • Nokver

      Nokver - 2003-11-19

      se si riuscisse a mettere il modo tramicte config di cambaire wpop nn sarebbe male uno al limite prova e lo cambia su quello funzionante


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