
Application Server Development Library / News: Recent posts

Next version 1.4.x will be slowly for several months

Because three new projects are planning, I have to take most developing time to start-up them with my partners. So the developing of next ASDL version will become slowly in several months.
But if any bug is found, please inform me, and I will check and fixed it for the first time.

Posted by swxlion 2009-05-18

ASDL version 1.4.0 Released

Application Server Development Library is released.

Main changes from ASDL 1.0.0 (last release):
- Add TCP asynchronous server for all platform.
- Add TCP synchronous server for all platform.
- Add UDP asynchronous server for all platform.
- Add UDP synchronous server for all platform.
- Add UDP sio server for all platform.
- Add UDP epoll server for Linux OS.
- Add UDP kqueue server for *BSD OS.
- Add two object polls for all platform.
- Upgrade CThreadPool for POSIX/Linux/BSD version.
- Upgrade IPuppetServerEx for all platform.
- Modify CUDPIOCPServer & CUDPIOCPConnectParam to clear defects and uniform interfaces.... read more

Posted by swxlion 2009-04-14

GDST version 1.0.1 Released

GDST version 1.0.1 is released. Two defects with MinHeap & MaxHeap are fixed.

GDST - Generic Data Structures Templates, a C++ data containers templates library, which is a subproject of ASDL - Application Server Development Library. More detail please refer the homepage:

Posted by swxlion 2009-04-11

1.4.0 developing will be suspended two weeks

Because of Spring Festival (Chineae New Year, Lunar New Year), I (the author) will take two weeks vacation. So the developing for 1.4.0 will be suspended, and it will be resumed after two weeks.
Most modules of 1.4.0 have been finished and waiting for testing, the rest and the testing codes & examples will be added after my vacation.

Posted by swxlion 2009-01-21

ASDL version 1.3.0 is available in SVN

ASDL version 1.3.0 is available in SVN, which revision is 449.
(Announcement: The rev.449 is 1.3.0, not 1.4.0 as the comment said. This is a mistake, detail please refer:\)

- Add UDP sio server for all platform.
- Add UDP epoll server for Linux OS.
- Add UDP kqueue server for *BSD OS.
- Upgrade CThreadPool for POSIX/Linux/BSD version.
- Upgrade IPuppetServerEx for POSIX/Linux/BSD version.
- Modify CUDPIOCPServer & CUDPIOCPConnectParam to clear defect:
- drop CUDPIOCPConnectParam::Recv(char *, unsinged long) as a public member function;
- drop CUDPIOCPConnectParam::Send(char *, unsinged long) as a public member function;
- drop CUDPIOCPConnectParam::EV_RECV_ERROR event;
- drop Socket member for CUDPIOCPConnectParam;
- Replace dwBytesTransferred member with iBytesTransferred for CUDPIOCPConnectParam;
- Add CUDPIOCPConnectParam::Send(char *, int) as a public member function.... read more

Posted by swxlion 2009-01-02

Announcement: An incorrect comment on SVN

I make a mistake in the comment when I commit the files to SVN, because I catch cold. Detail is:

The revsion 449, it is the ASDL version 1.3.0 is available, but I wrote it is version 1.4.0.

Posted by swxlion 2009-01-02

ASDL supports NetBSD and OpenBSD now

Start revision 371 on the SVN, ASDL begins to support NetBSD and OpenBSD.
Now, ASDL Support Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and other POSIX compatible OSes.

<OpenBSD only>
During making (compiling or linking) ASDL on OpenBSD OS, few security warning will be shown and tell you to use the strlcpy function to instead of strcpy function. But there isn't function strlcpy beyond BSD OSes, and I have made necessary security ckecking to prevent buffer overflow. So, I decide to ignore the warning currently for the compatibility on source codes level with other POSIX compatible OSes.... read more

Posted by swxlion 2008-10-28

ASDL version 1.1.0 is available in SVN

After the object pools added and passed the tests, the ASDL version 1.1.0 is available in SVN.
Because the changes are few, so I don't intend to release the version in solely. The next release is version 1.5.0 in the plan.

Posted by swxlion 2008-09-19

Obejct pools are available in SVN

Now, two kinds of object pools are available in SVN.
They have passed the unit tests, and the examples for them have been appended into the examples. Now, you can get them by SVN.

The documents haven't been updated. I haven't time to write the information of object pools at present, and I will fill them in future.
The usages of object pools are similar as the memory pools, the details please see the examples and the description in the header of source codes.

Posted by swxlion 2008-09-19

ASDL &amp; GDST: version 1.0.0 Released

Now, 2008-08-20 (GMT+08:00), the first releases of ASDL and GDST are available. There are two versions release for ASDL: full edition and normal edition; and one version for GDST: tiny edition.

The normal edition version doesn't include the detail UML graphics and documents generated by doxygen, and dosen't include the opinions documents about programming.

Posted by swxlion 2008-08-19