
After a couple months of SQL frustrations, frequent breaks for relaxation and gaming, and bugfixing / feature revision / blah blah blah... here it is,

I have cleaned up the files section to remove all prior builds of the engine, Moneo, and NWNX-Leto. This marks end-of-support for Phoenix, as Unicorn is now well ahead of it in features and stability. I didn't want the lingering confusion of the radically different builds, so I removed them. If you need an earlier version of any package sent to you (say, the Engine, to recompile SpeakEasy), e-mail me:

4.0.2 means the engine (package Arakis) has been updated. These are feature changes, specific to LetoScript, and there are no optimizations to the core file I/O routines. The changes are significant enough that this engine is not backward compatible, and any projects requiring earlier engines will fail using this one.

.24 is the build of LetoScript just released. It includes (thoroughly tested) SQL support, for a wide variety of engines, and as an experimental feature, subroutines.

NWNX-Leto was updated to 03+24. Note that the "03" part is still the same (the very same file, in fact) because the bridge code didn't need changing. Only LetoScript.dll/so is different.

Note that there is no SQL support in the Linux binaries. NWNX2 on Linux does not have SCO/RCO hooking.

Check the forums for discussion and updates:

Posted by David Frauzel 2005-08-14

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