
Leo 5.5b1 released

Leo 5.5b1 is now available on SourceForge and on GitHub.

Leo is an IDE, outliner and PIM, as described [here] (

Simulating Leo's features in Vim, Emacs or Eclipse is possible, just as it is possible to simulate Python in assembly language...

The highlights of Leo 5.5

  • Syntax coloring is 20x faster than before.
    The "big-text" hack is no longer needed.
  • Leo's importers are now line/token oriented, allowing them
    to handle languages like javascript more robustly.
  • New perl and javascript importers.
  • Pylint now runs in the background.
  • Pyflakes can optionally check each file as it is written.
  • Greatly simplified argument-handling for interactive commands.
  • Documented how to do Test-Driven Development in Leo.


Posted by Edward K. Ream 2017-03-17

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