
Lemur toolkit 4.12 problem

  • ghita LAKHSSASSI

    Hello everyone,

    i've installed the lemur toolkit 4.12 with success but when i've tried to use it i didn't find any tools, i just found the documentation and the uninstall option, i don't know what is the problem if you can help please.

  • Lemur Project

    Lemur Project - 2017-01-27

    What operating system are you using? You installed it by successfully compiling and installing, but nothing was installed? Are there any permissions limitations on the installation location that would prevent writing? Did you get any error messages?

    Please note that the Lemur toolkit is no longer supported. Please give the latest versions of Galago (or Indri) a try in its place.

  • ghita LAKHSSASSI

    I'm using Windows 8 and no error was shown, and yes nothing was installed, i need the tools in lemur any suggestions ?

  • Lemur Project

    Lemur Project - 2017-01-29

    You didn't mention any permissions problems. Can you create a file in the installation directory? I believe the default is /usr/local/ but not sure what you are using on Windows 8.

    We don't have a Windows 8 machine to try out the install, but can using Windows 7 assuming your problem is not a permissions issue.

  • David Fisher

    David Fisher - 2017-01-31

    Windows 8 is not supported.

    Windows 8 does not have a Start menu by default. The Lemur Toolkit installer installs menu items in the Start menu.

    Use the search feature of Windows to try to determine the location (if any) of the lemur toolkit executables, for example, search for IndriBuildIndex.


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