
#11 please provide a tarball for the latest 4.2 beta release


There is currently no source code tarball for the latest 4.2 beta release of LDView. I want to package LDView for Debian and this is made much easier when there exists a tarball. The alternatives without a tarball are to:

  1. create a package from a CVS revision. Besides that the version name looks ugly (because it includes a CVS revision number) and that the transition to a proper version (without a CVS revision) is hard I would also need the exact CVS revision you used for the 4.2 beta release

  2. create a package from the last version for which there exists a tarball which is version 4.1 which is already four years old.

So to avoid these unfavorable options, can you please provide a tarball for the latest LDView beta release?



  • Travis Cobbs

    Travis Cobbs - 2013-07-04

    4.2 Beta 1 really wasn't supposed to be stuck in Beta for so long. Unfortunately, I have had very little time to spend on LDView since the Beta release. I'm not going to make any promises about a tarball for 4.2 Beta 1, but I'll definitely try to make sure there is one when the final 4.2 is released. For now, the CVS tag for the release is v4_2Beta1.

    • JoSch

      JoSch - 2013-07-04

      Do you have a very rough timeframe (in terms of months) when you expect to release 4.2? I want to know if I should package 4.2 beta1 now or if I should wait a short while until the 4.2 release.

  • Peter Bartfai

    Peter Bartfai - 2013-07-04

    We plan to release packages to major Linux distributions (Fedora, Centos, Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE, Mandriva...) with the next release. You can download those packages from openSUSE Build Service: .

    The tarball for the latest source code can be downloaded from the ViewVC interface of Sourceforge:

    Tarball for version 4.2Beta1 is available from:


    Last edit: Peter Bartfai 2013-07-04
    • JoSch

      JoSch - 2013-07-04

      Thanks for the effort of making Debian packages available but this only helps very little with getting LDView into Debian main. Looking at the current state of the LDView ./QT/debian subdirectory and the makedeb script, the packaging has to be completely redone to meet Debian quality standards.

      Thanks for giving me the direct link to the v4_2Beta1 CVS tag tarball.

      • Peter Bartfai

        Peter Bartfai - 2013-07-12

        I have updated the QT/debian directory, you do not need to run makedeb script, it is enough to run dpkg-buildpackage from QT directory.

        Please let me know if this meet the Debian standard.

        • JoSch

          JoSch - 2013-07-12

          Hi Peter,
          even if it does, it will not directly be used for Debian packaging. From Debian's perspective upstream projects should never ship ./debian directories in their source tarballs.

          The reasons for that can be read here:

          Some projects include a rough /debian directory among source files to ease bleeding-edge package compilation and installation on debian (and derived) systems. While this is a good effort, it is better to leave it out of the final tarball as it can interfere with debian's own packaging effort.

          A more detailed explanation is given here:

          It boils down to the fact that Debian needs to be able to do non-Maintainer, binNMU and security related uploads. For all this it is undesirable if the ./debian directory comes from upstream.

          • Peter Bartfai

            Peter Bartfai - 2013-07-12

            Anyway I already updated QT/debian folder, so it does not interfere with ./debian. At least you can reuse my code (some files come from your work)

  • Peter Bartfai

    Peter Bartfai - 2013-07-08

    I have updated the Makefiles to avoid using local copy of gl2ps & tinyxml.

    What shall I change on Qt/debian folder to meet the required quality standard?

    The subdirectory Qt/debian is designed to work on openSUSE Build System.

  • JoSch

    JoSch - 2013-07-08

    Hi Peter,
    thanks for your efforts!
    The current version of my efforts is available on for review by fellow Debian maintainers.
    In case you are not using Debian (and are thus unable to just "dget" the source) you can manually retrieve my changes by downloading and extracting this tarball:
    In the patches directory you will find all patches I applied to a cleaned source of ldview 4.2 beta1. You can ignore all patches which contain "Origin: upstream" in their header as I backported them from the current CVS version of LDView. The file README.Debian contains a command I use to clean the tarball you provide to make it comply with the DFSG.
    cheers, josch

  • Peter Bartfai

    Peter Bartfai - 2013-07-08


    If you authorize I'd like to integrate the following patches to the our code:


    I already implemented use-system-libgl2ps.diff before you sent your patches.


  • JoSch

    JoSch - 2013-07-08

    Hi Peter,

    sure! Keeping the Debian diff small is a great thing. If you look into the debian/copyright file you will see that all patches (and also the rest of the packaging work) is released under the terms of the GPL version 2.0 or (at your choice) any later version. So no matter whether you go for GPL2 or GPL2+ in bugreport #12 my patches will be compatible with your code. :)

    I hope they do not introduce any problems with other platforms. Please test them with other platforms because I didnt and adjust them accordingly. :)

    cheers, josch

  • Peter Bartfai

    Peter Bartfai - 2013-07-08

    The selected patches have been integrated.


    Last edit: Peter Bartfai 2013-07-08
  • JoSch

    JoSch - 2014-04-16

    is there a non-beta release in sight?
    Peter has greatly improved the Debian packaging and I managed to get the ldraw parts library into the Debian NEW queue, so it will probably be in Debian unstable in a month or so.
    cheers, josch

  • JoSch

    JoSch - 2014-09-09

    it's now more than one year after your last message to this bugreport. I see there are still some commits to ldview and I'm happy to see that you merged nearly all the patches I proposed (the only ones you did not merge are Debian specific so that's fine).

    Can we please have a release? It's just a simple number but it enables distributions like Debian to carry your software and make it available to a much wider audience. If you release now and find a fault in the release, just make a new release. But please do not stall on 4.2-beta1 :(

    Just release early and often!


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