
LDLite / News: Recent posts

2.4 Released

Finally got around to checking in the fix for dat files that do not end in a CR.

Posted by Paul Gyugyi 2002-01-06

2.3 Released

Announcing LDLite 2.3, available at

2.3 adds new features:
1) Full support for large MPD files.
2) Ability to suppress bitmap generation
from STEPs in included files, and only save
images in the top level file.
3) Shading modes. Use -E1 on the comand line to
get shading.
See the release notes in the zip archive for more info.

Posted by Paul Gyugyi 2001-09-04

2.1 Released

2.1 is available for general release.
Features are aimed at generating instruction sheets:
1)Large bitmap sizes (from 2.0 beta)
2)Thicker lines
3)Saving only final image


Posted by Paul Gyugyi 2001-07-07

LDLite 2.0 in Beta.

LDLite 2.0 is now in beta test.
The binary is available at
Real Soon Now the source code will be entered into CVS here.

Posted by Paul Gyugyi 2000-05-11