
lde's text interface not displaying

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Useing SuSe 10.2
    lde 2.6.1.tar.gz
    When I run lde in a root console with command:
    lde /dev/hda4   all I get is:

    User requested autodetect filesystem. Checking device . . .
    Found ext2fs on device.
    Warning: First block (0) != Normal first block (1)

    it goes back to root console.

    If I use lde -I 1 -N 10 /dev/hda4 , it will display the first 10 inodes in the console window, but no lde interface window.

    I figure that lde might be better then Nortons DiskEdit to learn the ext3 file system lay out.

    I see no errors in the ./configure or make commands.

    Thanks Chris.

    • John Quirk

      John Quirk - 2008-02-16

      LDE has two modes the option you used last "lde -I 1 -N 10 /dev/hda4" is just console based and will not bring up the lde interface.
      On the first part if lde finds something it doesn't understand it gives up - mainly as a safety precaution it can and will if miss used destroy a disk.
      Is your disk unmounted when you try this?
      Is your disk part of logical array?
      Have you run fsck to ensure disk is sound?
      As for using LDE to figure out ext3 layout yes it should help but remember LDE does not understand ext3 it treats as ext2.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks for your reply.

      Have just tried the partition mounted and unmounted.
      Ran e2fsck -f /dev/hda4  no problems.
      hda4 is a primary partition.
      Did try on logical VFAT (dos) partitons , same problem.
      Tried other primary partitions , same problem

      Hope you can understand the below info.

      I do have a non standard partition layout and can be confusing.
          Maybe the problem ?

      I use a third party boot/partition manager PLOP that permits having more then 4 primary partitions on hdd .
      Note: only 4 primary or 3 pri. and 1 extended are in the MBR while the other partitions will be seen by any OS as unalloted space.

      Below are how the partitions are physically on hdd, and seen by linux.

      Pri 1 tho 4 'Windows' (unalloted space 80g bytes)
      hda3 Extended partition  seen as /dev/hda5 tho hda8
      Pri 5 tho 7 'Windows' (unalloted space 20g bytes)
      hda1 SuSe / root  Note: GRUB is installed into this partition.
      hda2 Mepis
      hda4 ext3 "test and empty partition."

      hda5 DOS
      hda6 DOS
      hda7 swap
      hda8 /home

    • John Quirk

      John Quirk - 2008-02-16

      I had a look at the source the first error message is only an ext2fs warning message it should not stop the GUI from coming up. If you are seeing this warning for all those other file system LDE is becoming confused.
      Have you tried /dev/hda LDE should complain and then do a RAW access of the disc. the B command should work. Had a quick look at the PLOP page it could do things that could confuse LDE - this was just a quick glance.
      Also plug in a USB flash drive see if LDE can see this disk.
      Finally try the statically linked version distributed in the "lde-2.6.1.tar.gz" download from here.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Used a different hdd and installed SuSe with GRUB in the MBR.
      hda2=test partition (tried mounted and not mounted)

      I did have to edit the getdate.y file for daylight as per pri post 2006-02-16.

      Still does not work on 2 different comps with SuSe 10.2

      lde /dev/hda
      Device "/dev/hda" is mounted, be careful
      User requested autodetect filesystem. Checking device . . .
      No file system found on device
      lde_seek_block: seek failed, errno=22
        give 12 lines of errno=22 and drops to terminal.

      Finally try the statically linked version distributed in the "lde-2.6.1.tar.gz" download from here.   ???
      Download file from

      I'm new to linux and could be doing something wrong in running
      ./configure --make--and make install.

    • John Quirk

      John Quirk - 2008-02-17

      OK - when you get that error message it should drop you to the text based GUI.
      If you look at the top level directory of the files you downloaded from SourceForge you see a file call "lde" this is the precomplied version. You can run this by going to the top level directory of where you unpacked lde and execute the following command ./lde /dev/hda2
      Follow this link do you get a screen that looks like this?
      From the fault you are describing it sounds like the ncurses interface either didn't build or is not initializing correctly on your system. 

      Does SUSE have a version of lde you can install though YaST?  I haven't used suse in a long time.
      Try the "which lde" command to see if it looking at the correct LDE.
      No ./configure; make; should all work - looking at the download stats I'd say this is all working OK.
      In my testing the other day I just used the copy of LDE that came in the download file.
      Hope some of this helps will check back later if you have replied

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I went to a different comp with SuSE,Mepis,Knoppix installed (use PLOP as boot manager also).

      The precomplied lDE will work on Mepis and Knoppix but not on SuSe.

      Knoppix does not require modification of getdate.y to make , and program works.

      Mepis does not have bison so did not compile.

      Problem must be with Suse some place. Will use the precomplied lde with Mepis and forget about Suse.

      Thanks for your help.  Will check back.


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