After a fresh installation of Redhat 6.2 I decided to try out ldap-abook. This seems like a nice
piece of software and I'm looking forward to trying it out.

However, it took a "while" to get it running, and the documentation really
need an upgrade. Here is the procedure I've used - hopefully it will save you some time.

Also note that this is not the most ideal configuration - maybe you want
to alter it to be more safe (no clear text passwords, and remember to at least change the password),
compatible with Outlook etc, but this should get you started.:

NB: I haven't gotten to the Outlook / Netscape part yet, so if anyone could explain what I
should do to enable both Outlook and Netscape Messenger ldap lookups, it could save
me some time. E.g. which objectclass files should I include ? etc.

LDAP / ldap-abook installation procedure listed below:

0. Install openldap server

Assumes this is done from .rpm files available from Redhat.

1. Download and install perl source:

- most of the source below is available from

cd /pack
tar xzvf <package>.tar.gz
cd /pack/<package>
perl Makeperl.PL
make test
make install

for each of:

MIME-Base 64


2. Install LDIF files into LDBM database:

Create file called first.ldif:

dn: o=abook
cn: abook
objectClass: organization

and create initial ldbm database by running:

cd <where first.ldif file is placed>
ldif2ldbm -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -i first.ldif

3. Make sure that your TCP wrapper doesn't stop access to
   the LDAP server.

Verify that /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny allows

The best configuration IMHO is to include only the needed services,
and by default disallow everything else, e.g. by having:


in.ftpd:client.lan, server.lan, localhost
in.telnetd:client.lan, server.lan, localhost
sshd:client.lan, server.lan, localhost
slapd:client.lan, server.lan, localhost



This opens for connections to a FTP server, a telnet server,
a SSH server (if installed), and the LDAP server.

4. Configure LDAP server / client:

/etc/openldap/ldap.conf (client):

BASE o=abook

this saves a lot of typing on the terminal - e.g. when using
ldapsearch and ldapadd.

/etc/openldap/slapd.conf (server):

include         /etc/openldap/
include         /etc/openldap/slapd.oc.conf
schemacheck     on
pidfile         /var/run/
argsfile        /var/run/slapd.args
database        ldbm
suffix          "o=abook"
rootdn          "cn=admin, o=abook"
rootpw          secret
directory       /usr/ldap/abook
index           cn

See if this works:

ldapsearch "objectclass=*"

should return something like:


5. Install ldap-abook:

cd /pack
tar xzvf ldap-abook<version>.tar.gz
cd /pack/ldap-abook<version>
perl Makeperl.PL
make test
make install

Copy ObjectClass definition file to /etc/openldap, and add an
include directive to the configuration file:

cp /pack/ldap-abook<version>/ldap/abookPerson.oc.conf /etc/openldap/

Add this line to /etc/openldap/slapd.conf, e.g. below the other include directives:

include         /etc/openldap/abookPerson.oc.conf

6. Test if ldap-abook works:

6a - Add entries

Browse to abook.cgi - e.g. by entering

and enter data.

6b - Verify entries from LDAP clients:

ldapsearch "objectclass=*"