
Lanner custom LCM in FW-8758

  • Charles Smith

    Charles Smith - 2015-02-06


    I have a Lanner FW-8758 that appears to have a custom LCM module. They provide a linux driver but I would be interested in a FreeBSD driver. What do I need to do to make this happen? What are the chances this custom LCM module will work with some other driver? See here for the driver they provide:

    I have the hardware on hand and can help test/troubleshoot as needed. I am also willing to provide access to an installation of FreeBSD on the hardware. Let me know!

    Thank you


    Last edit: Charles Smith 2015-02-06
  • Markus Dolze

    Markus Dolze - 2015-02-08


    from the code posted at Github it seems like some HD44780-like display connected to the parallel port and used in 8 bit mode.

    You may be able to use it by modifying one of the existing LCDproc drivers. Get the FreeBSD port and change the control pin definitions in server/drivers/hd44780-winamp.c like this

    #define EN1 LF
    #define EN2 STRB
    #define EN3 LF
    #define RW  0       /* zero */
    #define RS  SEL
    #define BL  STRB

    There are two things I am not sure about:
    First, the initialization routine switches the extended registers bit on and off, but in between does only set the SEGRAM address to zero. Not sure if this is necessary.
    Second, when reading from the display two bits are set whereas a HD44780 only has one read/write control pin. Setting the RW pin to 0 (zero) should work anyway, as the driver does not read from the LCD.

    A minimum configuration section in LCDd.conf may look like:


    Don't forget to change the driver= line in the [server] section to driver=hd44780. For more information see the LCDProc User's Guide.

  • Klaus Jansen

    Klaus Jansen - 2017-05-31

    Hallo i have Debian but Your cange dont Work can you send me the Config and the Driver Please
    because i have an Debian System and my LCD is only Blinking thanks for help.

    I Have changed in hdd44780.ext8bit.c

    those Lines

    define RS SEL

    define RW INIT

    define EN1 LF

    define BL STRB

    define LE SEL

    after Compiling i have now information on the Display but the Backlight gos shut off if i try the Test PRG from Lanner Backlicght is On and stays on after Start from LCDPROC Server Light gos off and stays Off

    Please i need Help now


    Last edit: Klaus Jansen 2017-05-31

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