
Linux Brochure Project / News: Recent posts

Linux Brochure Project switches to Subversion

The cvs2svn script helped to preserve all the commit and tagged release information that was in the CVS repository.

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2007-03-26

Linux Brochure Project (LBP) version 1.4.0 has been released

LBP is a GPLed Linux advocacy and publicity project which documents key Linux information in a standard-size brochure (two sides of a single letter- or A4-sized sheet of paper which is Z- or C-folded into the six mini-pages of the brochure). The new release incorporates a Spanish translation of the brochure kindly donated by Daniel Vicente Lühr Sierra of Chile. Thanks, Daniel!

The new release can be downloaded from For additional details about LBP see:

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2006-06-16

Linux Brochure Project version 1.3.0 has been released

The Linux Brochure Project (LBP) is a GPLed Linux advocacy and publicity project which documents key Linux information in a standard-size brochure (two sides of a single letter- or A4-sized sheet of paper which is Z- or C-folded into the six mini-pages of the brochure).

* The LaTeX files have been modified so they work well with both traditional e-TeX and next-generation pdfeTeX versions of LaTeX. Our thanks to Ryan Underwood for bringing this issue to our attention and testing the updated LaTeX files.... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2006-05-29

Linux Brochure Project version 1.2.0 is released

The Linux Brochure Project (LBP) version 1.2.0 has been released. LBP is a GPLed Linux advocacy and publicity project which documents key Linux information in a standard-size brochure (two sides of a single letter-size or A4 sheet of paper which is Z- or C-folded into the six mini-pages of the brochure). Since release 1.1.0 we have made the following important improvements:

* The build process has been substantially simplified. Previously we mimicked every latex step with a pdflatex equivalent, but now we simply use ps2pdf to convert the final postscript results to pdf at the end. ... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2004-01-11

Linux Brochure Project version 1.1.0 released

The Linux Brochure Project (LBP) version 1.1.0 has been released. LBP is a GPLed Linux advocacy and publicity project which documents key Linux information in a standard-size brochure (two sides of a single letter-size or A4 sheet of paper which is Z-folded into the six mini-pages of the brochure). Release 1.0.0 was our first stable version of this important Linux publicity tool for LUGs and other Linux organizations, but it had one major limitation; only letter-size brochures could be created which limited production to North American printers. With the release of LBP-1.1.0, this limitation has been removed and A4 size brochures can be easily created by specifying PAPERTYPE=a4 as an option for the 'make' command that generates the brochure. Now the whole world-wide Linux community should be able to use this brochure, and we encourage customized versions and translations into other languages (so long as the requirements of the GPL are followed). Ultimately we plan to have a suite of brochures from around the world displayed at for those who want to be famous. :-) Currently there are two customized brochures available at the above site -- a "Linus" version (for both letter-size and A4 printers) featuring famous quotes from Linus and a VLUG version that has been adopted as the official brochure of the Victoria Linux Users Group. ... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2003-10-12

Linux Brochure Project version 1.0.0 released

The Linux Brochure Project (LBP) is a GPL'd Linux advocacy and publicity project which documents key Linux information in a standard-size brochure (two sides of a single letter-sized sheet of paper which is Z-folded into the six mini-pages of the brochure). Release 1.0.0 is our first stable version of this important Linux publicity tool for LUGs and other Linux organizations. The software consists of LaTeX and pdfLaTeX scripts; Sketch input files; and a Makefile to keep the brochure build organized. ... read more

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2003-10-06

Linux Brochure Project version 1.0.0-rc2 released

The Linux Brochure Project (LBP) documents essential Linux information on two sides of a letter-sized sheet of paper that is Z-folded into six mini-pages of a leaflet. Release 1.0.1-rc2 is our latest release candidate (incorporating two different customized Linux brochures) for our first stable version of this important Linux publicity tool for LUGS and other Linux organizations.

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2003-09-22

Linux Brochure Project version 1.0.0-rc1 released

The Linux Brochure Project (LBP) documents essential Linux information in two pages Z-folded into a standard six-page leaflet. Release 1.0.1-rc1 is a release candidate for our first stable version of this important Linux publicity tool for LUGS and other Linux organizations.

Posted by Alan W. Irwin 2003-07-25