
#257 seperate folder and programs / multiple catalogs


First thank you very much for this unbelievable great program! There is on feature I really would appreciate: Two different shortcuts. One to access folders (Win + Space) and a different on for all the other stuff (Alt + Tab) This would it make much easier to navigate throught my stuff. If I continue to think about that approach, I would say Launchy should support different catalogs, which are accessible throught different shortcuts. This would be amazing.


  • Simon

    Simon - 2009-09-13

    I reckon this could be satisfied if we add a command line switch to allow you to run two instances of Launchy (e.g. /multiple) and you run one of them in in portable mode to give you separate settings and catalog.

  • bege

    bege - 2010-04-17

    << I reckon this could be satisfied if we add a command line switch to allow
    you to run two instances of Launchy (e.g. /multiple) and you run one of
    them in in portable mode to give you separate settings and catalog. >>

    Well, not quite. If Launchy is started with /multiple and then the portable mode is checked, the next time launchy is started after a new system start, it always starts in portable mode (perhaps because it finds a launchy.ini in the program folder).

    This means that your suggestion works only for one windows session. It doesn't work the next time.
    To have the two instances with two different settings constantly launchy needs to know to start with which ini-file.
    Maybe another command line option for the path of the ini-file might help, e.g.
    %program files%\launchy\launchy.exe /multiple /%userappdata%\launchy\launchy2.ini

    Or is there another way how it works?

  • Simon

    Simon - 2010-04-29

    2.5.1 will have a profile switch that'll allow you to specify different settings for each instance of Launchy.

  • bege

    bege - 2010-05-14

    When will 2.5.1 be available for windows?

  • bege

    bege - 2010-05-23

    Found the 2.5.1 beta: It's perfect, I am fascinated.
    Thank you very much.


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