mrdehate - 2008-06-25

Hello -
  I have a question/suggestion about how Weby works in regards to multiple open Internet Explorer windows.  It looks like when using Weby to open a bookmark when there are multiple IE windows open, Weby will only use the window that was opened first regardless of which window is currently active.  Generally in this situation, I would prefer Weby to open the favorite in the currently active window. 

  Short of the author changing Weby to work in this manner, is there any way that I can make Weby work that way for me?  Alternately, I could work with Weby opening a new Internet Explorer instance instead, but I think I would prefer Weby to just choose the last-active IE window.

  FYI, I bring this up because at work I often have to sign into the same site with different user ids - so when Weby opens two favorites in the same window (IE session), there is lots of failure.  If I could open a new IE myself when this situation is going to occur, then I can still use Weby to launch my favorite in the new window.

  Thanks everyone!

--Mark D