
[release] Windows services management plugin

Tom Wolf
  • Tom Wolf

    Tom Wolf - 2009-05-03

    I created a new Windows services management plugin.

    For Launchy version <a href="">2.1.2</a>:

    For Launchy version <a href="">2.0.0</a>:


    1. type: servy [service name]
    2. select the appropriate service from the list of suggested services
    3. press enter

    If the service is started, it will be stopped
    If the service is stopped, it will be started
    if the service is paused... you get the idea...

    1. type: servy [service name] [TAB]

    a list of possible actions will be shown (start, stop, pause, continue)

    2. type: servy [service name] [TAB] status [TAB]

    The service status will be shown

    • moti gorin

      moti gorin - 2009-05-03

      thanks Tom Wolf (twb15),
      this plugin make my life easier....

    • Nnyan

      Nnyan - 2009-05-26

      Nice plugin, would be killer if we could connect to servers on our network and manage the services remotely.

      • Tom Wolf

        Tom Wolf - 2009-06-08

        good idea, i'll work on it - of course, it will probably not be as responsive as the current plugin, because i'll need to query services and their statuses

  • Simon

    Simon - 2010-03-29

    Any chance you could add a restart? I'd also like to be able to have the services at the top level and act on them in a similar way to the way Verby acts on normal Launchy items, e.g. mediaserver | restart.

  • natri23

    natri23 - 2010-07-08

    Please upgrade to version 2.5

  • Manuel Renz

    Manuel Renz - 2011-01-20

    Any news on this one?

  • Tom Wolf

    Tom Wolf - 2011-01-26

    Hi all,
    I forgot about this forum, sorry.

    I've downloaded launchy 2.5.0 and the Servy plugin is working well - maybe 2.1.2 works.

    I will gladly add a restart option - anything else?

  • Manuel Renz

    Manuel Renz - 2011-01-27

    I'm on windows 7 (64bit but that should not matter since launchy is running 32bit) and it does not work. I get the error:
    FATAL ERROR: Failed to initialize the Service Control Manager!


  • Tom Wolf

    Tom Wolf - 2011-01-27

    This isn't a QT compatibility issue, only windows privileges issue - I managed to get it to work when running launchy as Administrator.
    I closed the launchy.exe process, ran it as administrator - went into plugin configs - got the message - closed launchy and then ran it again as admin - and now it works.

  • Manuel Renz

    Manuel Renz - 2011-01-27

    right :-) how could I miss that, now it works for me too. Thx.

  • Manuel Renz

    Manuel Renz - 2011-01-27

    would it be possible to show the status information right in the list where start and stop are shown?


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