
Google Calendar Plugin

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  • David

    David - 2007-09-29

    Hey Matt,
    Sorry you can't specify the command on your own right now. I might add this option in an upcoming release though. Thanks for the suggestion.

    If you want I can change the command for the plugin to anything you'd like right now though and then compile a new version for you. While I'm at it I could also make it not send anything if the string is blank (and maybe even make that blank string be the cue for bringing up your calendar in your browser?)

    Send me an email with what keyword you want it to respond to and I'll send you a new version right away. (Check my site for contact info)

    Thanks, I'm glad you find the plugin useful!

  • David

    David - 2007-10-04

    I've uploaded a new version of gCal.dll to my homepage at:

    This version fixes a bug that occurs when the authorization token expires after roughly 2 weeks and the plugin tries to get a new one. I actually forgot to check for the 401 unauthorized status code when the session cookie that the plugin gets and sets on startup isn't yet initialized. So that's what caused that bug. Sorry for any inconvenience, it's just that it was hard to test the plugin for this before the two weeks had passed.

    This version also has a neat little shortcut that quickly lets you load your calendar in your browser. Just type gcal, hit tab and then directly hit enter to bring up your calendar in your browser of choice. It might help you if you're in a hurry! :)

  • Andy Kaplan-Myrth

    I love this plugin -- thanks for developing it! It's my main use of Launchy, and the way I most frequently add to my calendar.

    That was, until I changed the names of my calendars. I had two calendars, "Andy work" and "Andy home", and the gcal plugin could add to each of them. When I changed their names to "work" and "home", then the plugin couldn't find them anymore, using "gcal | test today > home" for example. It also wouldn't find the default calendar ("work") when I didn't specify the calendar. I get the dialog box "Calendar not found | Couldn't find calendar with name: work | OK"

    Renaming the calendars back to "Andy work" and "Andy home" didn't help.

    Removing the GCAL_TOKEN value in the launchy.ini file restored the ability to add to the default calendar when no calendar is specified, but I still can't specify either calendar.

    Any thoughts on how to restore this? I haven't tried rebuilding the launchy index because I didn't think gcal would use the index at all.

    Any help would be appreciated to restore this terrific plugin to its full glory!


  • David

    David - 2007-10-31

    Hi Andy,
    you've probably already tried this but did you restart Launchy after you had changed your calendar names? The plugin only fetches the names/ids of your calendars at startup and never bothers updating these values again while it runs. That could perhaps be the reason why it can't find them after you had renamed them?

    • Andy Kaplan-Myrth

      I had tried restarting Launchy (and had been through several reboots). For whatever reason, it's working now. Still, it's good to know that it fetches the calendar names at startup. Thanks -- Andy

  • daz

    daz - 2007-11-01


    I'm just starting to use this plug in, it looks good..

    Unfortuantely cant seem to get it upload to my calendar.

    I use gmail but i use it on my own domain. its a bit convoluted but
    to login to web mail i use instead of
    but if i setup imap or pop i still use the gmail domain in the server sections of the client. and just
    pass my complete email and password to login.

    any insight appreciated.


  • David

    David - 2007-11-02

    Hey dazbo,
    The plugin has not been tested for adding events to your Google Apps calendars yet so I'm not sure if that works or not. I'm using a regular Google account and access my calendars at so I've never bothered testing it for hosted calendars. I might look into this issue someday though.

    Sorry that I can't be of any help.

  • daz

    daz - 2007-11-04

    Hey David,

    Ahh yes thats what its called the google apps! No it doesn't seem to be working for me
    unfortunately. oh well thanks for letting me know though, i had thought it was something i was
    doing wrong.:)


  • Tevi

    Tevi - 2007-12-23

    Is there a version of this plugin planned for Launchy 2.0? It's been great for 1.25!

    • David

      David - 2008-01-07

      Yes! I've started a new thread about my Launchy 2.0 compatible version of this plugin here:

  • tearskye

    tearskye - 2008-02-17

    I've tried and downloaded the lastest for 2.0 .. it is recognised in launchy.
    went to options, and typed in username and password

    i used
    gcal tab dinner today 8pm => enter

    it doesnt appear in my calendar. what can be the issue ?

  • Yorick

    Yorick - 2008-08-08

    Launchy 2.2.1 doesn't seem to recognise this plugin anymore sadly, any chance it'll be revived?

    • Yorick

      Yorick - 2008-08-08

      Can't edit, beh, but it's there; anyway.

  • Khernunnous

    Khernunnous - 2009-07-02

    Hi all, sorry for the noob question, but I just got Launchy today and am trying to use the Google Calendar plugin (its my first plugin) and I've unzipped the zipfile, added the files to my plugin directory, restarted Launchy and nothing.  Not sure if I just dont know how to do plugins or if there's something specific with this one.  Thanks for your patience.

  • hdsi fda

    hdsi fda - 2009-07-20

    I'm having the same problem as above (downloaded the gcal.dll file to the plugin folder and it does not show up in Launchy as a valid plugin)  -- wondering if this plugin is incompatible w/the latest version of Launchy.

  • lhtrees

    lhtrees - 2011-01-13

    Is there an update to this dll by any chance that works with the latest version of Launchy?

  • lhtrees

    lhtrees - 2011-01-13

    Never mind. I didn't realize the posts in sourceforge were sorted oldest to newest. Thanks for creating this!

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