
--l4j-debug-all additional information

Brian Hnat
  • Brian Hnat

    Brian Hnat - 2016-05-27

    When I run an executable created with launch4j, I see the splash screen open and then nothing else. Running with --l4j-debug-all, I see "Exit code: 1" at the end of the log file, "Resource 101: An error occurred while starting the application." near the begining of the log file, and classpath information in the middle. How can I get more information on what the error was starting the application? The runnable jar starts fine. If I add some simple output as the first line of my main method, I seems launch4j isn't getting even that far.

  • Grzegorz Kowal

    Grzegorz Kowal - 2016-05-28

    Usually in such cases the application is started successfully by launch4j but crashes for example due to incorrect classpath. Can you post the log and your configuration? If it's a console application you should see the stack trace.


  • Brian Hnat

    Brian Hnat - 2016-05-31

    Thanks for the reply. You're right, the classpath was the issue.

    I was using the com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j / launch4j-maven-plugin / 1.7.10 plugin. After looking through the classpath in the launch4j log, I added <preCp>${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar</preCp> to fix the issue. It looks like the preCp setting is specific to launch4j-maven-plugin, rather than launch4j itself. I'll take a look at that and see why this may have been an issue. The issue doesn't seem to surface until the classpath gets to a certain length.

    Thanks for pointing me to dig into the classpath. That helped a ton.


    Last edit: Brian Hnat 2016-05-31
  • Grzegorz Kowal

    Grzegorz Kowal - 2016-06-20

    From a different report: the classpath was limited to 8192 chars, maybe this somehow influenced the maven plugin. This was increased to 30KB (not yet released), but there is a workaround as well described here: help forum



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