
#134 New job: account expiry


I'd like to suggest another job possibility. Namely, notify of pending account expiry, perhaps with the option to also notify a separate email address (the admin department for instance). It would be nice if in the message one could show the expiry date in human-readable format (i think it is stored in days since Janury 1 1970).
BTW, perhaps the additional email address could be an option also for the password expiry job.
Cheers, Giuseppe


  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2016-05-05

    Hi Giuseppe,

    can you provide more details? Who should get the email, the user or some admin? What is the exact use case compared to current emails?
    Btw. emails in 5.3 can include the expiry date. There is a new wildcard.

    Best regards

  • Giuseppe Vacanti

    Hi Roland,

    For the account expiry message: remind the user that their account (contract) is about to expire, cc the HR department where somebody may have to take some action (extension, for instance).

    As for the additional email address in general, I would see that as a conveniet manner not to have to write a script that once a month tells me whose account/password is about to expire. Perhaps not as string a use case as the first one :-)

    Cheers, Giuseppe

  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2016-05-09

    Hi Giuseppe,

    ok, will add a CC/BCC option for the expiration mails then.
    Thanks for your input.

    Best regards


  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2016-05-09
    • assigned_to: Roland Gruber
    • Group: Next_Release --> 5.4
  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2016-05-14
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2016-05-14

    CC and BCC will be available in 5.4.