
#129 Calling the loginpage shows only a white side



i use LAM since a lot of years. Never had a problem before. I had version 4.7.1 installed on Gentoo. Works nice. But this day i would like to login, and i had no loginpage. The side is loading a long time an then i had a white page. No errors on the side and no errors in journal. Ok, so i have done a fast fresh install. So when i call the loginpage with version 5.0 i get the message that an configfile is needed. Ok this is normal. Then i copied my config.cfg and test it also with the samplefile. Same error. Only an white pate.

I can't found the error. Nothing was changed. Only normal updates. But mybe the error is on php. Here my systemconfig:


with this flags:

apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype curl fileinfo filter gd gdbm hash iconv imap ipv6 json kerberos ldap mysql mysqli nls opcache pcntl pdo phar posix postgres readline session simplexml snmp ssl systemd threads tokenizer unicode xml zip zlib

Thanks for help!

Best Regards


Feature Requests: #129


  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2015-08-08

    Please try to increase you memory_limit setting in php.ini to 64M or 128M.

  • Mario Loderer

    Mario Loderer - 2015-08-09

    the setting was already on 128M. I set it back vor test to 64M and i get an error in the webinterface. Then i set it to 256M. And i have the white site.

  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2015-08-09

    Please also check LAM's log file and Apache error log.

  • Mario Loderer

    Mario Loderer - 2015-08-15

    Can you tell me where i should find lam's logfile? Can't find it. Searched under /usr/local/lam /etc/ under /var/www/ . How should it name?

  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2015-08-17

    The default log target is syslog.
    Try also to start with the included config.cfg.sample as config.cfg. Maybe the config file has a problem.

  • Mario Loderer

    Mario Loderer - 2015-09-16


    found something: i compile php with 4 new flags (cgi fpm truetype exif). I don't know what of this flags it is for this time, but with this, the site is loading. :)

    Ok, after this the new problem is, my profile does not work anymore an i hat do add new profile. Ok, this does not work. Filepermissions are ok. Message in Webinterface: "Unable to create new profile!" There is only one logentry durining this process:

    [16/Sep/2015:23:41:22 +0200] "POST /lam/templates/config/profmanage.php HTTP/1.1" 200 10967

    hope this helps. Thanks

    Edit: I was able to use my old profile!!! :=) , some file was missing, but i'am not able to add some new profile, same error


    Last edit: Mario Loderer 2015-09-16
    • Roland Gruber

      Roland Gruber - 2015-09-17

      Hi Mario,

      maybe SELinux is active? This can block write access even if permissions look ok.

      Best regards


      Am 16. September 2015 23:54:16 MESZ, schrieb Mario Loderer


      found something: i compile php with 4 new flags (cgi fpm truetype
      exif). I don't know what of this flags it is for this time, but with
      this, the site is loading. :)

      Ok, after this the new problem is, my profile does not work anymore an
      i hat do add new profile. Ok, this does not work. Filepermissions are
      ok. Message in Webinterface: "Unable to create new profile!" There is
      only one logentry durining this process:

      [16/Sep/2015:23:41:22 +0200] "POST /lam/templates/config/profmanage.php
      HTTP/1.1" 200 10967

      hope this helps. Thanks!

      [feature-requests:#129] Calling the loginpage shows only a white

      Status: open
      Group: 5.0
      Labels: loginpage php
      Created: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:09 PM UTC by Mario Loderer
      Last Updated: Mon Aug 17, 2015 06:46 PM UTC
      Owner: Roland Gruber


      i use LAM since a lot of years. Never had a problem before. I had
      version 4.7.1 installed on Gentoo. Works nice. But this day i would
      like to login, and i had no loginpage. The side is loading a long time
      an then i had a white page. No errors on the side and no errors in
      journal. Ok, so i have done a fast fresh install. So when i call the
      loginpage with version 5.0 i get the message that an configfile is
      needed. Ok this is normal. Then i copied my config.cfg and test it also
      with the samplefile. Same error. Only an white pate.

      I can't found the error. Nothing was changed. Only normal updates. But
      mybe the error is on php. Here my systemconfig:


      with this flags:

      apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype curl fileinfo filter gd gdbm hash
      iconv imap ipv6 json kerberos ldap mysql mysqli nls opcache pcntl pdo
      phar posix postgres readline session simplexml snmp ssl systemd threads
      tokenizer unicode xml zip zlib

      Thanks for help!

      Best Regards

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      Feature Requests: #129

  • Roland Gruber

    Roland Gruber - 2015-10-18
    • status: open --> closed-fixed