
#150 Remember Me login is Forgotten by Firefox

For Review

Reported by Jeremy Frey 5th Aug 2014.


  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-08-05

    JGF: Also LabTrove does not seem to remember my login details (even with box ticked) but that may be due to my security setting in firefox

    TSP: My login is remembered for Internet Explorer and Chrome but not for Firefox.
    I too suspect some sort of cookie setting.

    TSP: Just had another go with Firefox.
    Cookie creation for 'remember me' seems to be as expected except perhaps
    that the PHPSESSID expires at the end of session rather than
    at a later date so perhaps Firefox will not refresh such a cookie
    whereas the other browsers do. Who knows.
    It looks like a bug though.
    We haven't changed anything to do with cookie handling so I'd suspect an under the covers Firefox update.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-08-05

    (This is specifically for the Trove using LDAP login).
    I have not tested on OpenID or Local Database instances.

  • David R Newman

    David R Newman - 2014-08-07

    So I think there may be some confusing as to what "Remember Me" does. It is to allow the user session to not timeout after 30 minutes and keep you logged in almost indefinitely (default = 30 days). This is intended for use on PCs where you are the only one with access so it doesn't matter if you are kept logged in.

    The problem I think Jeremy is describing is that it does not cache he username and password, so that he doesn't have to remember it when he goes to the LabTrove site he just has to click login. In Firefox, you will be prompted whether you want to save you details first time round, so they will be prefilled next time. One of the option is to never to do it for this site, which means unless you go into FireFox's setting to remove this choice, your details will never be prefilled and it will never ask you again whether you want to save you details so they can be prefilled.

    If what I describe is the case, then this ticket can be closed as LabTrove is behaving as expected. It is just FireFox has cached a setting (for whether or not to save details), as it should but the fact the user had made this choice is not transparent to the user.


    David Newman


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