
L2J / News: Recent posts

New GUI tools available

As a part of an ongoing effort to make L2J easier to use, we just published two Java based graphical interfaces for gameservers registering and server settings management, both working for Windows and Linux. See some screenshots and discussion about them in our website:

Posted by L2JDrLecter 2009-06-13

Our new web facilities are up and running.

After some years of procrastination we reorganized our web stuff: (our new wordpress based homepage) (migrated from wbb to phpBB3.x) (a new mediawiki setup, more community-driven than our current trac wiki).

Hope you like it!

Posted by L2JDrLecter 2009-05-26

L2J: Gracia v2 r2713 released!

L2J is an alternate gameserver for the Lineage2 MMORPG, written in Java and released under the GPL3.

After a very long time with lots of hard work and updates being available on SVN but no regular releases made, our plans for 2009 will certainly change that.

With two months of community testing and the final Gracia v2 release 6 months ahead, our SVN revision 2713 became the first release for 2009.

What got changed:
- Support for the latest client has been extensively tested.
- Several retail features, rates, and formulas were improved.
- Many code cleanup, deadlock, and security fixes were made.
- Some new features are supported: Talismans, Instanced Dungeons, and Shield usage were reworked.
- Updates were made in the MySQL Connector library, PRNG and much more.... read more

Posted by L2JDrLecter 2009-01-02

First public release available (Version 0.1)

First public release available in the files section.
Look at the forums on for additional information and help.

Posted by Jörg Eichhorn 2004-06-28

Our new homepage is now up and running.

go check it out.

Posted by L2Chef 2004-06-19