
FYI - Compile issue with SDL_HAS_64BIT_TYPE

Duncan S
  • Duncan S

    Duncan S - 2006-07-18

    VC++ 6.0 on XP and 2000

    Just in case any one else runs into the same thing.  I installed the Kyra source and checked the required libs on my work machine (Win2000)and got everything to compile without at hitch.  I went home to my XP box, got the source and required libs... and every time I tried to compile I got a bunch of errors in "gltypes.h" seemingly caused by the SDL_HAS_64BIT_TYPE define.  Back at work I looked around a bit and found the the SDL.lib(s) I used were obtained from a folder called msvc-libs which I obtained when tooling around with game engine called "Stratagus"  I switched these SDL libs out with the latest from the SDL site, like I did at home, and then re-built and got the errors.  Switching back to the libs from the msvc-lib bunch, I successfully compiled again.  So.. for whatever reason it seems, at least for me, the newer version of the SDL libs causes problems.

    • Duncan S

      Duncan S - 2006-07-18

      What's funny is the message with below this one seems to about the same thing but in German.

    • Lee Thomason

      Lee Thomason - 2006-07-21

      I just build a new version - 2.1.3 - to address this.



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