
#10 Windows file compatability


I'm completely new to Linux, and my huge cross-stitch library is in .xsd format (Pattern Maker for Cross Stitch by Hobbyware). I really would like to be able to use/view these files on my new Linux laptop. Any chance of getting KXStitch to read this format? I will be happy to provide examples, testing, and if necessary funding for this addition.



  • Stephen Allewell

    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • Stephen Allewell

    I can look into this in the future. At the moment I am working on the KDE 4 version of KXStitch which is taking up all my time. Adding this would be an enhancement that I can address when the core functionality of KXStitch is available.



  • Stephen Allewell


    Now that the KDE4 version is near to a release date, I can start looking at this. Are you still able to supply examples of the libraries? Are you able to create your own libraries? I would probable need to have one created that contained some known arrangements of stitches, backstitches, etc, so that I know what I am trying to import.



  • Stephen Allewell

    No example files were ever provided so work can't progress

  • Stephen Allewell

    • status: open --> wont-fix
  • Iuliia Voroshylova

    Hi! Is there any possibility to reanimate this project? I haven't yet switched completely to Linux only because of my cross-stitch library in .xsd format...


    Last edit: Iuliia Voroshylova 2016-04-05
  • Stephen Allewell

    This project is still active but is now part of KDE. See

    I can investigate incorporating xsd format files, but I would need a number of examples to be able to reverse engineer the format.

    If you can supply that information then I can proceed.


  • Iuliia Voroshylova

    Sure! I would be happy to provide you as much examples, as you need :)

    How do I pass you the files? Is that email adress from actual?


  • Stephen Allewell

    Thanks luliia, the author email address is valid and you can send them there. Can you provide the following:
    An empty pattern with a size of 40 wide x 30 high, no colors in the palette.
    The empty pattern with a size of 80 wide x 60 high with 5 colors added using DMC with a text list of which colors are added.
    The pattern with all stitch types added in various colors in small blocks (leave some white space between each color and stitch type), I will also need an image/PDF of the final pattern so that I can determine what it should look like.
    A new pattern with some Anchor colors added and some backstitching in different colors, again an image/PDF of the final pattern.

    This should be enough to get me started. Then I can ask for other examples as needed.


  • Iuliia Voroshylova

    Examples sent! XD


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