
#65 Cannot start Kuroo es normal user


I cannot start Kuroo 1.2.3 as a normal (non-root) user.

When I start Kuroo, Kuroo greets me with the backup dialog. If I keep the checkbox enabled (the default), then I get the error message "Could not create kuroo backup directory. You must start Kuroo with kdesu first time for a secure initialization." If I disable the checkbox, the same error appears. After that, Kuroo terminates.

However, I can start Kuroo with "kdesu kuroo" from the command line.


  • A Schenck

    A Schenck - 2024-07-23

    This must have been broken by when cleaning up the startup sequence. It should pop up a KAuth prompt to create and chown portage:portage /var/cache/kuroo . Unfortunately we won't be able to fix this soon on account of leaving for several months and not bringing a computer with. It'll probly be at least October before we even get a chance to look at the code again, and the port to KF6 / Qt6 will also need to be done at the same time.

  • Matthias Nagel

    Matthias Nagel - 2024-07-27

    I found a workaround. First start Kuroo as root user from command line via "kdesu kuroo". Let Kuroo run its setup wizard and backup. Then copy the create config file "/root/.config/kuroorc" into the user account which normally runs Kuroo. (Adjust user/group ownership.) After that Kuroo skips the wizard when a normal user start Kuroo and Kuroo happily informs the user that it is running in non-privileged mode.

    I assume the crucial line in "kuroorc" is "wizard=false".


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