
#27 Systemtray icon bad resolution and sometimes missing


The icon shown in the taskbar is low resolution. In my case it's not the red kshutdown icon, but a grey icon similar to the kshutdown one.
I'm using breeze icon theme, which doesn't have a kshutdown icon.

I'm using KShutdown 3.2 on KDE 4.7.3 (Manjaro linux)


  • Konrad Twardowski

    • status: open --> accepted
    • Group: -->
  • Konrad Twardowski

    I assume we are talking about the same thing - if not, a screenshot would be nice ;-)

    Under KDE, KShutdown uses icon from the current icon theme (named "system-shutdown") rather than its logo icon. It integrates nice with KDE 4/5 and other icon themes.

    Unfortunatelly breeze icons don't look good with dark KDE 4 panels
    (e.g. dark gray icon on black background is barely visible).

    I can add option that will enable KShutdown logo icon in system tray.


  • Konrad Twardowski

    • status: accepted --> closed
  • Konrad Twardowski

    Added "Use System Icon Theme" option (probably in version 4.1 Beta)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-09-07

    No, my problem regards resolution of the icon.

    Here's the image:

    I've noticed few things while writing this post.

    The icon system-shutdown is red with a white symbol for resolutions >= 32px and black for res < 32px
    There is another icon system-shutdown-symbolic which is black for any resolution

    The lower part of the image is the panel. As you can see the image is not sharp, it seems a low resolution image upscaled. For comparison in the upper part of the image there is the same icon as rendered by cuttlefish (the kde theme browser).

    I'm realizing now that this may not be a problem of kshutdown, but a problem about how the panel is rescaling the icon.

    I've just seen that the icon in the picture is the biggest rescale possible, if I increase the panel height further that icon is not upscaled more.

    By decreasing the panel height I can reach a point where the icon in the panel is sharp as in the following image:

    So the problem seems that there is a point where the icon is badly rescaled, but this happens only for that icon and not for the others in the panel.

    Are you using an svg icon? Or you just specify by name and plasma takes care of which to use?

  • Konrad Twardowski

    • status: closed --> open
  • Konrad Twardowski

    Thanks for the details. I'll look into this but don't promise anything ;)

  • Konrad Twardowski

    So the problem seems that there is a point where the icon is badly rescaled

    I fixed one related bug where icon was incorrectly scaled.
    Maybe it fixed something ;)

    Are you using an svg icon? Or you just specify by name and plasma takes care of which to use?

    I use whatever is returned by the standard Qt/KDE API w/o diving into implementation details.
    (the returned icon is additionally colorized and converted to bitmap...)

  • Konrad Twardowski

    • status: open --> closed
  • Konrad Twardowski



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