
Krecipes and servers

Chrome O.
  • Chrome O.

    Chrome O. - 2009-10-09

    I'm running a server (9.04 Ubuntu) and would like to use Krecipes to aggregate and serve out my family's recipes. I have searched the Krecipes website and the forums here, but cannot find the answers to these questions:

    Does Krecipes have a front-end browser interface yet? The most recent discussion I've seen on this is from 2006.

    Is there a command-line installation that doesn't involve a tarball? Something through apt-get would be ideal.

    What is the Krecipe Servers Network that I see espoused on the website? What is planned for it?


  • José Manuel Santamaría Lema

    ***Does Krecipes have a front-end browser interface yet? The most recent discussion I've seen on this is from 2006.***

    I have found right now a directory called "krecipesweb" in the home page. I wasn't aware of the existence of such thing, see:
    I'm not willing to take a look on it for now, I'm not a web programmer and my focus in on krecipes itself. However if I get enough spare time (I guess not, sorry) I will try to figure out what was going out with that. I guess that at least I will take the code and put it on some public control version system, in order to attract some web developer who wants to take over development of this interface.

    ***Is there a command-line installation that doesn't involve a tarball? Something through apt-get would be ideal.***

    Depends on what version are you willing to install. There are packages for 1.0-beta2 (KDE3) targeted to jaunty here:
    see the krecipes-ubuntu directory
    Also, see:

    If you want packages provinding the latest unstable release (2.0-alpha3, KDE4) targeted to jaunty, just drop me a line, but of course install at your own risk because this is experimental software.

    ***What is the Krecipe Servers Network that I see espoused on the website? What is planned for it?***

    Honestly, I'm not the most appropiate person to answer this question because this KSN thing was an idea from the original developers who are not working in krecipes anymore (also note that I'm working here since March 2009 or so). However, let me explain some things: I think the original idea (we are talking about 2002 or so) was to create a program able to store recipes as well as share them in an internet community. How we do the "share in an inet community" part? Provinding free krecipes servers network on the internet with mysql (or even postgresql) databases, users could connect to them with krecipes. Providing those free servers (i.e KSN) may solve the problem discussed here:

    What is planned for that KSN thing?
    Nothing. Well, not true at all. I think that the concept of KSN thing is obsolete, but not the idea behind it (i.e. sharing recipes in a public place). Since we are living in 2009 an not in 2002 there are a couple of valid solutions (also note that I don't have the means to put free servers on the internet, I'm just an sutdent who programs in his spare time):
    1) A social network for cookers.
    2) Use "Get new hot stuff" technology to get new recipes (in *.kre files) from or something.
    1) has nothing to do with me as I'm not a web programmer and as pointed above I don't have the means to provide free servers on the internet so I might do 2) some day. Note that I can't promise anything about new features because after the future 2.0.0 stable release I will need to remove the Qt3 compatibility support for the future 2.1 version, and belive me, will take several months at best.

    Lastly, touching again the topic of your first question: if you are just willing to publish your recipes in a read-only way, you could export all your recipes in your krecipes database as "web book"; you will get something this:
    Also, you might be interested in this project (I have never used it, I don't know anything from it):


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