

  • mrturk

    mrturk - 2007-12-08

    Can krecipes be easily installed and run on an OLPC? I noticed a requirement for an SQLlite backend - is this a large or otherwise expensive file/program?

    Does krecipes depend on many KDE libs that may not be present on the OLPC?

    Given the rugged nature of the OLPC, I think it would make a nifty kitchen machine.

    • Bob/Paul

      Bob/Paul - 2008-07-08

      I'm not sure about the specifics of the OLPC, but sqlite is about the lightest-weight sql database you can find. It's what they use on embedded platforms like consumer routers (dlink, linksys, etc), rfid reader units, etc. Definitely your OLPC will be able to handle it and probably already includes and uses it.

      As far as the rest of your question, I don't really know. I just found the project myself a couple of days ago ;)


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