
Kritter Kreator / News: Recent posts

New roadmap and my schedule changes again

There is a new roadmap (kk_goals.html) in the alpharoadmap package in the alpha file releases.

Also, my schedule has changed *again*

I am now available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, generally between 12-10PM Central Time (US).


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2003-08-26

2nd Anniversary of Project

The Kritter Kreator project is now 2 years and 5 days old!

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2003-05-30

New Project Sections

2 new projects are related to Kritter Kreator:

myServer ( ) was started by Sergei Kozyrenko who was working on the client and server in Java here. He is now working on the 3rd Alpha release. This server will also be usable in other games.

GOaL (Game Object Language at ) is the project that will handle the XML maps and game objects for Kritter Kreator. This language will also be usable in other games.... read more

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2002-10-08

Change of Focus (slight)

The project's focus will now mainly be on the Client and 3D parts of Kritter Kreator. Everyone in the project should please indicate which part they are interested in (also Docs, Translation and Website)

Client needs to be maintained for compatibility with myServer ( and 3D still needs work.

I will be moving, so I will probably next be available in the middle of next month. I am NOT leaving the project and I never will! I will also be getting a Macintosh. (iMac 17")... read more

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2002-09-26

Resources Discussion Needed

I have just thought of another part of the game that hasn't been addressed yet. Most RTS games have resources such as wood and stone, if you have suggestions for resources in Kritter Kreator or anything related to this topic please create a new thread in the Open Discussion Forum.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2002-08-14

1st Anniversary

The project has now been around for 1 year (give or take a few days, hours, minutes, etc.)

Good Work to all who have helped so far!

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2002-05-28

Forum Activity

I haven't seen much forum activity lately and would like to encourage more. Non-members are welcome to post too.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2002-02-26

New Lead Graphic Designer

Our old lead Graphic Designer, Jorgen Sandman, has left the project. Ron Norton is our new lead Graphic Designer.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2002-02-06

Going to Alpha

Kritter Kreator is going to the Alpha Development Stage today.

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-12-04

We need people!

We are currently looking for 3D Modelers and C/C++ people. Check the Job Posts in the Project Help Wanted system on SF or the Project Help Wanted forum in our project forums.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-11-12

Maps Discussion

New Discussion in the Maps thread of the Maps and Models forum.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-10-26

Server Discussion

New discussion in the Server forum.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-10-23

New Document in the Downloads area

Release: newmanual
File: kkpoints.doc
Notes: Windows Word XP File that includes full Cell List, Game Types, Camera Control, Editor, and Updated Roadmap information. Negates old Roadmap (when Alpha, Beta, etc. come out) and Docs in SF Docs area.
Changes: Versions 2-4 of some parts

Check it out!

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-10-15


I recently posted a update on It isn't on the main page anymore so just search for Kritter Kreator. The latest one is this "new" (recent) post.

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-10-11

Engine; Logo Contest

The first alpha of the Engine is out; I haven't been able to use it, working on getting OpenGL drivers for my old S3 Virge board. Also, the Logo Contest is over and Brandon is working on a voting page so we can have our official logo.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-09-01

Games Foundry

We are in the top list again.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-08-06

Getting up there...

We've had over 10,000 page views and 1,000 downloads! Plus we're number 11 in the top game foundry projects. Almost into the Top Projects on the main SF site!!! And this is just 51 days after the project was founded. :)


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-07-16

Top Projects

We are in the Games Foundry's top projects list again! :)


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-07-14

CV GameDev

In the news on CV GameDev:
Look at for details.


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-07-12

We are on News!


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-07-09

In the news

We are in the news at

We aren't in the top projects on Games Foundry anymore :(


Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-07-06

New Stuff

New Documents and Images in the File Downloads

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-06-28

Project Roadmap

There is a new download available (KKRoadmap) in Excel format that is a plan for development of Kritter Kreator.

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-06-27

New Downloads, Msg Boards

I have a new Logo on the downloads. Also, Brandon Bremen has said we can use the PixelFrags client/server software at:
Also, there are new message boards for development in VB, C(++) and Java.
Lots of stuff happening!!! :) :) :)

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-06-25

Concept Java GUI

The Concept Java GUI by James Campbell is now available for download. (kritter.jar)

Posted by Mikey Lubker 2001-06-13