

  • Vojtech Hlaves

    Vojtech Hlaves - 2005-10-09


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Anonymous test

      • Sammual

        Sammual - 2006-04-26

        Hi all,
           I was wondering what the current status of this project is?  I am very interested in a 3D Turn Based Hex Engine.

        • Vojtech Hlaves

          Vojtech Hlaves - 2006-04-27

          Hello Sammual!

          We are about to release quite stable beta version which already includes all features. It is scheduled on Monday. Thus, please check it in the very beginning of the next week.

          Thank you for your interest.

          • Vojtech Hlaves

            Vojtech Hlaves - 2006-05-01

            Unfortunately, there will be slight delay.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hey guys, I found a link to your game over at the other day. ( )
      Just wanted to tell you that you've done a great job with this game, and it is immense fun. I've played the windows client a bit and it runs well enough. The next test is to try out the Linux build.

      Also, I do run into an error every now and then. Seemingly at random I will get a "Cannot divide by zero" error, and the entire game freezes. I've worked around the problem by saving the game every round. Anyway, I am sure you guys are aware of the bug, but I thought I'd mention it in case you weren't aware of it.

      Anyway, Thanks for the fun game.

      Cheers from Chicago,

      • Vojtech Hlaves

        Vojtech Hlaves - 2007-01-26

        Hi Svlad,

        I am glad, that you enjoy the game :).

        We are aware of the existence of the 'dividion by zero' bug, tho we werent able to track it and as the project is mostly 'sleeping' now, I am not sure, when there will be another attempt to solve it.

        The very latest gcc might have difficulties with the package in the download section. However, I assume, that the guy responsible for Linux version uploaded to the cvs repository some fixes for the newest gcc versions. And if you compile it with 'SERVER_AUTOSAVE' enabled in /config.h the server should save the game each turn itself.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Great game, I hope there will be an update with additional missions. :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm also enjoying the game a lot, I hope you guys didn't abandon the project, it still misses some nice features and bugfixes, but it's still widely playable. Good work and cheer up!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This is a kind of game I was looking for :) great

      But there's some bug when I played it under windows XP SP2, the game exits when my unit contains just one member. When I click it the game exits

      But, the weird thing is, the process of the programs still running. I could see it in Task Manager --> Processes, there 8kingdoms.exe running with some bits value. and when I clicked the running process there's an error message. Umm... maybe like this "unable to ..." I forgot.

      could you solve this? There's a problem with my 3D card?

      Thanks for the reply
      greetings from Indonesia



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