
Multiple Value Editing not compatible with synchronize

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-07-16
    1. If multiple entries are selected and edited, the KeePass List View reflects the changes. However, if the database is subsequently synchronized, all but one change is lost (all others revert to the original value). The behavior also affects edits to custom string field names.
      Multiple value edits are committed correctly if the database is saved and closed, unless a synchronize was executed prior to database close.
    2. Also, the 'set value on all selected entries' dialog does not appear, and changes are not applied in the KeePass List View if the user exits the KPEnhancedEntryView pane by selecting any entry in the KeePass List View.

    Last edit: wellread1 2014-07-16
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-07-17

    I have attached a ~4 min flash video of some of the unusual synchronization, history behavior, and erratic appearance of the apply all dialog. In this video, unlike my initial report, there is no retention (instead of partial retention) of multi value edits after synchronization. Also late in the video the apply changes dialog begins to appear.

    Since there is an lot going on I haven't bothered to try and sort it all out. The video is not the most organized but I think it conveys the issues.


    Last edit: wellread1 2014-07-17
  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-07-17

    Thanks for that. I've uploaded a 0.28 which ought to resolve those issues - I think all the weirdness comes about because the last-modified timestamp wasn't being updated properly during a multiple edit. I've fixed that now, and it seems to synch OK for me.


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