
"Conflict" with Google Drive program

  • H0le Pr1vacy

    H0le Pr1vacy - 2016-10-11

    If you have Google Drive installed and the password.kdbx is inside Google Drive, when the plugin sync the file there is a conflict with Google Drive (duplicate database.kdbx). Is there a way to avoid this conflict?
    Maybe: download from google drive, merge the database (sync), upload on Google Drive with a temporary name, remove old database.kdbx and rename the temporary file as database.kdbx. Could this work?

    Any tips to avoid this conflict?

    • Uranium235

      Uranium235 - 2016-10-14

      First of all, the plugin only works if the file name for the database is unique in your Google Drive.

      If you're also using the Google Drive synchronization (the Windows program) together with this plugin, there might be additional problems.
      You should not have the local copy of your database in a cloud synced folder (Google Drive, Dropbox etc).
      When synchronizing, the plugin downloads the copy from GD to a temp file in the same folder as your database, then merges that with the current database (file), deletes the temp file and finally updates (uploads) the merged file to GD. While all that is happening keepass only temporarily has the files open and might not be able to create, delete or modify files locally because the Cloud program has the file open while trying to sync automatically.

      Not sure if thats what happens in your case, but if you sync your file with the GD program, why would you need the plugin anyway?

      Point being, you should not use a cloud synced folder for your db when using this plugin and also make sure the filename - regardless of folders - is unique in GD.

      There are no plans at this time to alter that behaviour as it would need a totally different approach to finding the correct file on GD to update.

      • j-lon

        j-lon - 2017-02-19

        It would be great if the getting started info page for this plug-in was more clear about the potential conflicts between Google Drive client sychronization from the Windows program and the synchronization provided by the plug-in.

        It would also be great if there was a more detailed explanation about what the reletive merits are of using the plug-in vs. placing the database file inside the Google Drive directory and allowing it to sync using the Google Drive client synchronization.

        Apologies in advance if this info is already detailed somewhere and I missed it.


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