
web_todo  Edit


  • This is a summary of kmttg web server ToDo page.
  • This is a subset of functionality available in kmttg Remote tab, ToDo sub-tab
  • The functionality via web page is much less than full functionality of kmttg GUI but may be expanded over time.

NOTE: The list of TiVos presented is only series 4 or later TiVos with RPC capability. Series 3 or earlier units are intentionally left out.


  • Select desired TiVo and click on the Refresh button to start a kmttg job to collect ToDo information from the TiVo. Once the job completes the table will be populated with ToDo list entries obtained from the TiVo.
  • NOTE: You can click on the green plus button to the left of the PRIORITY column to expose hidden show information about the season pass in that row in JSON syntax.
  • If you have many shows displayed it is useful to use the Search field on the top right of the table to filter out table display to show only shows matching keyword you type in the search field.


  • You have the ability to cancel upcoming recordings displayed in the ToDo list.
  • Select one or more rows in the table by clicking on a row, using ctrl-click to add individual rows to selection, or shift-click to add a range of rows.
  • Then click on the Cancel button to cancel upcoming recordings of the selected shows
  • The number of successfully cancelled recordings will display briefly in a popup dialog box once the operation completes.


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