
config_web  Edit

Configuration - Web tab

Enable web server

  • Enabling web browser allows you to interact with kmttg via any web browser and offers a subset of kmttg capabilities as well as ability to stream videos to iOS or Android devices supporting HLS video.
  • NOTE: This is still experimental and a work in progress so some of functionality may not work on your device.

web server port

  • Port to use for the web server.
  • Defaults to port 8181.
  • In your router configuration you can setup WAN port forwarding so as to enable access to kmttg web server outside your home. That way if you leave kmttg running on your server you can access the web capabilities from anywhere with internet access.

web server cache dir

  • Defaults to <kmttg install dir>/web/cache
  • Specifies location of the web server cache folder which is where transcoded HLS video files for video streaming are stored. Depending how much you use the video streaming function this has the potential to need a lot of space which is why the location is configurable.

Share browser show video files only

  • When enabled the Share Browser page will filter out non video files from being displayed.


  • You can enter a list of video shares to use for the web server Video Streaming and Share Browser pages.
  • Supply a video share name in the Share Name field and the associated share directory in the Share Directory field.
    EXAMPLE: Share Name = movies Share Directory = c:\videos\movies
  • Click on ADD button to add the entry to the Shares list
  • If you want to remove an entry, select it in the Shares list and click on DEL button.
  • NOTE: Any changes you make to the video share list will only take effect once you save the changes and restart kmttg so as to restart the web server.

Refer to [web_interface] Wiki page for more details on setting up and using the web server.


Wiki: Home
Wiki: web_interface