
config_Tivos  Edit

Configuration - Tivos tab

  • Starting with version 0.6e the configuration window now has tabs. Select the Tivos tab to see options related to your networked Tivos.
  • Starting with version 0.6a kmttg will automatically detect and add Tivos on your network, so you can choose to skip steps below that detail how to manually add tivos to kmttg.
  • Supply a Tivo name in the Tivo Name field and the associated Tivo IP number in the Tivo IP# field.
    EXAMPLE: Tivo Name = Bedroom Tivo IP# =
  • You can find Tivo IP numbers for each of your Tivos as follows:
    Tivo Central—Messages&Settings—Settings—Phone&Network: IP addr
  • Click on ADD button to add the entry to the Tivos list
  • If you want to remove entries, then select them in the Tivos list and click on DEL button.

Start NPL jobs when starting kmttg GUI

  • If this option is enabled then kmttg will start NPL jobs for configured TiVos right away when starting kmttg GUI. Otherwise no NPL jobs are started and you can manually select TiVos and click on Refresh button to selectively start NPL jobs.

Look for Tivos on network

  • If this option is enabled then kmttg will check for Tivo MDNS (Bonjour) broadcasts to automatically detect Tivos on your network. kmttg will now also detect IP changes and adjust settings automatically for you when this option is enabled. You can optionally choose to disable this feature and add tivos manually to kmttg if you wish.

Detect with TiVo Beacon instead of Bonjour

  • If enabled this uses the older Tivo Beacon mechanism for detecting networked TiVos rather than the newer Bonjour method. Useful if Bonjour is not working on your network for some reason.

Enable rpc style communications with this TiVo

  • When enabled kmttg will attempt to communicate with this TiVo using the reverse engineered rpc protocol. This unlocks a lot of extra capabilities, many of which are available using the kmttg Remote Control. Aside from the Remote Control this also enables ability to play and delete shows from kmttg Now Playing List table. Select a show in the table and then you can use the keyboard space and delete keys to play and delete shows respectively.
  • When you enable at least 1 series 4 or later unit with this option you will see a new Remote tab in the main kmttg window available. That tab then has a bunch of sub-tabs with different functions. See the [remote_control] Wiki page for additional information on how to use the various remote tabs.
  • NOTE: This only works with series 4 or later units.

limit # of npl fetches

  • This is useful if your TiVo has a lot recorded shows and you don't care about older shows and want to speed up NPL retrieval by limiting # of shows retrieved.
  • With default setting of 0 all shows are retrieved as normal.
  • A setting of 1 means limit to 1 fetch (128 most recent shows).
  • A setting of 2 means limit to 2 fetches (256 most recent shows).

NOTE: The Disk Usage totals will obviously not be complete if you set this > 0

wan http port & wan https port

  • Allow you to specify the WAN (public) side ports to use when kmttg uses http & https protocols to communicate with TiVos. By configuring your router to port forward to port 80 (http) and port 443 (https) on your home network from WAN side and using these settings you can run kmttg from any internet location and still access Now Playing Lists on your home TiVos and even download shows if you wish (and your ISP upstream bandwidth is high enough to make it feasible).

NOTE: In order to save these settings for a TiVo make sure the associated TiVo is selected in the Tivos list and then OK the configuration window. Repeat for each TiVo in the list you wish to access over internet.

wan rpc port

  • Allows you to specify a WAN (public) side port to use when kmttg uses rpc protocol to communicate with TiVo series 4 or later units. By configuring your router to port forward to port 1413 on your home network from WAN side and using this setting you can run kmttg from any internet location and use the rpc protocol with your series 4 or later units.

NOTE: In order to save these settings for a TiVo make sure the associated TiVo is selected in the Tivos list and then OK the configuration window. Repeat for each TiVo in the list you wish to access over internet. username and password

  • Supplying your username and password is useful if you have any series 4 or later unit since it can be used for Remote Search and Search++ functionality for searches including OTT/streaming sources.


Refer to [port_forwarding] Wiki for more information on setting up port forwarding in your router.


Wiki: Home
Wiki: port_forwarding
Wiki: remote_control