
config_Program_Options  Edit

Configuration - Program Options tab


  • REQUIRED if you plan to download files from Tivo Now Playing lists.
  • Your Tivo Media Access Key. You can find the number on any of your Tivos:
    Tivo Central—Messages&Settings—Account&System Information—Media Access Key

active job limit

  • Limits the number of CPU intensive jobs that can kmttg can run in parallel to this setting (defaults to 2). If you want to allow more CPU intensive jobs to run at the same time (for example if you have a multi-core processor) you can increase this limit accordingly. Be careful not to overwhelm your computer by setting this number too high.

encoding cpu cores

  • Specify the number of cpu cores to use for encoding jobs. If you have a multi-core machine this can speed up encoding jobs quite significantly. Consider this setting and active job limit when deciding what number to use here. Setting this too high may really slow down your machine for other tasks running in parallel.

# download attempts

  • Number of times to attempt to download a TiVo file (in case download attempt fails). If you only want 1 attempt then set this to 1 or 0.
  • NOTE: Occasionally TiVo downloads may fail due to Server Busy or other such errors reported by TiVo web server, but in some cases trying a download again after a short delay will work.

seconds between download retry attempts

  • Number of seconds to wait between download retry attempts. kmttg will wait at least this number of seconds before trying a download again.

start delay in seconds for download tasks

  • This delay applied to all download tasks is needed to help relieve stress on TiVo server when there are multiple downloads queued up from same TiVo to help avoid server busy error messages. Before starting a download task kmttg will wait the configured number of seconds (defaults to 10) before initiating the download.

metadata files

  • By default kmttg with metadata task enabled will only create a pyTivo metadata file for the last video file in the sequence of tasks you enable for processing an entry. That corresponds to last setting of this option. You can change that behavior by using various settings for this option:
  • mpegFile - Generate only for `.mpg file after decrypt step if enabled
  • mpegFile_cut - Generate only for `_cut.mpg file after AdCut step if enabled
  • encodeFile - Generate only for encoded video file after encode step if enabled
  • last - Generate only for last video file in the task set (the default setting)
  • all - Generate for all available video files in the task set (except .TiVo files)

extra metadata entries (comma separated)

  • Allows you to specify one or more key:value pairs to be added by kmttg when creating pyTivo metadata files. This could be useful for example if you want to add "image:folder.jpg" line automatically to every metadata file for cases when you have folder images and you want AtomicParsley to add the image to video metadata as specified in the pyTivo metadata file.
  • If you have more than 1 entry to add you can do so by separating key:value pairs with a comma character, for example:
    • name1:value1,name2:value2

Enable TivoWebPlus Delete task

  • If you have TivoWebPlus configured for your TiVo(s) then if you enable this option an optional TWP Delete task is made available in the kmttg GUI or auto transfers task set.
  • When TWP Delete task is enabled a TivoWebPlus http call to delete a show on your source TiVo will be issued following a successful decrypt of a downloaded TiVo file.
  • NOTE: Once you set and save this option you must restart kmttg to see the change.

Enable rpc style delete task

  • If you have a series 4 or later unit with Enable rpc style communications with this TiVo option enabled in kmttg then if you enable this option an optional rpc Delete task is made available in the kmttg GUI and auto transfers task set.
  • When rpc Delete task is enabled the rpc communications protocol is used to delete a show on your source TiVo (series 4 or later units only) following a successful decrypt of a downloaded TiVo file.
  • NOTE: Once you set and save this option you must restart kmttg to see the change.

Download TiVo files in Transport Stream format

  • For TiVo software that supports it, this forces TiVo file downloads to use Transport Stream format instead of the default Program Stream format by adding a &Format=video/x-tivo-mpeg-ts tag to the download URL.
  • Currently only Australia/New Zealand and series 4 or later TiVos support Transport Stream format so enabling this on other TiVos will have no effect.
  • NOTE: For H.264 recordings on your TiVo you MUST select this format for download since Program Stream format downloads won't work properly.
  • NOTE: One advantage of TiVo Transport Stream format is downloads are quite significantly faster than Program Stream format downloads.
  • NOTE: tivodecode has issues decrypting TiVo Transport Stream files, so if you enable this option you should also turn on option to use 'tivolibre' or 'DirectShowDump' or 'VideoRedo' for the 'decrypt' task. The 'tivolibre' option is available on any platform, the other 2 options are only available on Windows and with at least a partial TiVo Desktop installation.

Use old RPC schema version for older TiVo software

  • Enable this option only if you are getting "Unsupported schema version" errors
  • This is intended for users with Cable company supplied TiVos running old TiVo software versions that require older schema versions to work
  • Most users should not need to enable this option
  • When kmttg gets a "Unsupported schema version" RPC response it will automatically enable this option

Show estimated time remaining for downloads

  • When this option enabled the estimated time remaining for downloads is shown in STATUS column instead of the download bit rate.

NOTE: Since TiVo does not report accurate file size to be downloaded this number is only an estimate and will never actually reach 0.

Combine download and tivodecode decrypt

  • If enabled then download & tivodecode steps are combined into 1 if you have decrypt task selected and you are performing a download (i.e. TiVo file creation is bypassed).
    NOTE: This only applies if you have not configured VideoRedo for decrypt instead of tivodecode.

Allow only 1 download at a time

  • If enabled then kmttg will only download 1 program at a time no matter how many TiVos you have and how many download tasks are queued up.

Use RPC to get NPL when possible

  • When this option is enabled, kmttg will use RPC calls for series 4 and later units to obtain NPL listings instead of the traditional html/XML calls.
  • This avoids the traditional double step of playlist task followed by remote task for obtaining listings, so should be faster than that 2 step process.
  • The information should be largely the same as XML listings data, but more closely matches what HDUI shows.
  • This option is off by default.

Automatically restore job queue between sessions

  • If enabled kmttg will save any currently queued jobs to a file when terminated and automatically queue up those jobs next time kmttg is started. Note that this only applies tol Auto Transfers mode when service is interrupted and you would like queued jobs to resume when service is re-started.

Use comskip GUI to review detected commercials

  • When this is enabled, following Ad Detect task that uses comskip kmttg will bring up comskip visual editor that allows you to review and make modifications to the detected commercials visually. Consult [comskip_commercial_editing] Wiki page for a summary of how to use the comskip visual editor.

Decrypt using tivolibre instead of tivodecode

  • Enable this option to decrypt .TiVo files using Java tivolibre instead of the standard tivodecode program. This is useful for cases when the .TiVo files are in a format that tivodecode cannot decrypt such as for Transport Stream (TS) format .TiVo files. This option works for any platform without requiring a separate compiled binary.

Decrypt using DirectShow Dump instead of tivodecode

  • Provides a Windows only platform free alternative to using VideoRedo for decryption of TS .TiVo files.
  • The DirectShow Dump solution does fully support decryption of TS .TiVo files unlike tivodecode which does not.
  • Note that using DirectShow Dump requires at least a partial installation of TiVo Desktop, specifically the TiVoDirectShowFilter.dll must be installed and registered with Windows in order for the program to run.
  • The DirectShow dump installation is included in Windows tools package, so make sure to use Help->Update tools to install it if not already installed.
  • NOTE: You cannot use DirectShow Dump in conjunction with downloads, so if you plan to use this option you should make sure that the Combine download and tivodecode decrypt option is turned off.


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