
config_AutoSkip  Edit

AutoSkip tab

This configuration section is related to kmttg [AutoSkip] functionality for series 4 or later TiVos/Minis


  • This button brings up [AutoSkip] Wiki documentation

Enable AutoSkip functionality

  • Allows you to enable/disable all AutoSkip functionality in kmttg
  • You should restart kmttg whenever you change this option for changes to take effect

Automatically Import to Skip Table After Ad Detect

  • Allows automation of skip table entries by automatically importing skip files following Ad Detect.
  • Consult the [AutoSkip] Wiki for details on how to use this option.

Only run Ad Skip/Ad Detect for shows with AutoSkip data

  • If enabled then only shows that have AutoSkip data will be processed for Ad Skip and Ad Detect tasks.
  • Shows without AutoSkip data will have those tasks automatically cancelled by task scheduler..

Prune Skip Table automatically after NPL refresh

  • This will automatically run Prune skipTable when you Refresh NPL list to clear out old/obsolete AutoSkip Table entries.

Indicate with play when skipping

  • If enabled, every time kmttg automatically skips it will send a play command to the TiVo as well to bring up the play bar as an indication that skip happened and so you can check where you are in timline.

AutoSkip start point padding in msecs

  • During AutoSkip play this padding will be applied to show start points.
  • This allows you to add an offset to all show start points according to your preference.
  • NOTE: Enter time in msecs = seconds * 1000 (so for 2.5 seconds enter 2500)
    • new start point = start point + padding
    • => Value of zero means use originally detected/configured start points
    • => Use positive value if you want to start later (more likely to start in show)
    • => Use negative value if you want to start sooner (more likely to start in commercial)
  • If using AutoSkip from SkipMode often a zero value is appropriate here since detected start points tend to be pretty accurate.

AutoSkip end point padding in msecs

  • During AutoSkip play this padding will be applied to show end points.
  • This allows you to add an offset to all show end points according to your preference.
  • NOTE: Enter time in msecs = seconds * 1000 (so for -2.5 seconds enter -2500)
    • new end point = end point + padding
    • => Value of zero means use originally detected/configured end points.
    • => Use positive value if you want to end later (more likely to end in commercial).
    • => Use negative value if you want to end sooner (more likely to end in show).
  • If using AutoSkip from SkipMode often a negative value is appropriate here if you find you are getting too many starts of commercials during AutoSkip play.

AutoSkip service disable channel

  • With AutoSkip service enabled you can tune to this channel in live TV to suspend AutoSkip service from a TiVo.
  • This does not disable AutoSkip service in kmttg, but suspends AutoSkip service functionality which can be resumed again by tuning to configured AutoSkip service enable channel.

AutoSkip service enable channel

  • With AutoSkip service enabled you can tune to this channel in live TV to resume AutoSkip service from a TiVo.
  • This resumes AutoSkip service that was previously suspended by tuning to configured AutoSkip service disable channel.


Wiki: AutoSkip
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