
VideoRedo_configuration  Edit


There are several VideoRedo related settings under kmttg configuration. From kmttg GUI select File->Configure... and then click on VideoRedo tab to see all the options. Consult the tooltips or the [configuring_kmttg] Wiki for details on each of the options.


When running in service mode with the default kmttg Windows Service configuration VideoRedo will fail to run with an error such as "WScript.CreateObject: Could not create object named VideoReDo.VideoReDoSilent"

Even if you don't get above error it could very well be that in service mode the VideoRedo related tasks do not work as expected because of permissions problems.

The fix to these problems is to configure the kmttg service to run using the same login account you are using when running VideoRedo GUI. You can do that as follows:

  • Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services
  • Scroll down and find kmttg entry
  • Right click on kmttg and stop service if it is running
  • Right click on kmttg and select Properties
  • Choose Log On tab
  • Click on This account and type in a valid user account for this computer along with the password to go along with it.
  • OK the form


  • You MUST run VideoRedo GUI at least once before attempting to use it with kmttg since otherwise the needed COM files will not be registered and you will get error messages such as:
    WScript.CreateObject: Could not locate automation class named "VideoReDo.VideoReDoSilent"
  • NOTE: If you run Vista or Windows7 and have UAC enabled you have to run VideoRedo GUI as administrator at least once to force registration of the COM objects in order to get things working. When installing VideoRedo if you launch VideoRedo as part of installation process then this will happen automatically. See this VideoRedo forum link for details on that.
  • If using a trial version of VideoRedo make sure you have registered the trial key before using with kmttg or it will just hang when launching from kmttg.
  • If you still get persistent errors such as the above WScript error then another option is to turn off UAC in Windows Vista or later.
  • Other alternative if you still get the VideoReDo.VideoReDoSilent errors is in kmttg configuration under VideoRedo tab turn on Allow multiple VideoRedo jobs at once option which will run VideoRedo in graphical mode instead.


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