
AutoSkip_from_SkipMode  Edit

AutoSkip from SkipMode data

If you are not yet familiar with kmttg AutoSkip, refer to the [AutoSkip] Wiki page.

This Wiki describes kmttg functionality used to automatically obtain commercial cut points based on TiVo SkipMode data. This will only work for series 5 or later TiVos that support TiVo SkipMode functionality.

If you are not familiar with AutoSkip a quick way to try it out is select an NPL table entry that has SKIP icon indicated, press "v" to have kmttg compute skip points and wait until table entry has an "S" indicated in front of SKIP icon. Then press "z" to start playing the show on your TiVo and enjoy hands free auto commercial skipping while watching the show.

There are a few NPL table right mouse button menu entries associated with AutoSkip when enabled in kmttg:

"AutoSkip from SkipMode" (bindkey v)

  • This command operates on 1 or more selected entries in NPL table.
  • The goal of this command is to automatically obtain commercial cut points based on TiVo SkipMode data.
  • This will only work if the SKIP icon is shown for the NPL entries you are running it on, indicating that TiVo SkipMode data exists for the shows.
  • IMPORTANT: This command will simulate various remote button presses to your TiVo to obtain show segment start points, and thus should not be run if you don't want to disrupt anybody currently watching that TiVo.
  • Show segment start points are discovered by skipping to end of show, then using repeated "Channel Down" presses to cycle through all SkipMode show segment start points.
  • The problem is that doesn't give us the show segment end points (start of commercials). Commercial start points cannot be obtained from the TiVo by pressing D or channel up/down. So those are computed based on assumption that the length of each show segment should be very similar even when recorded on different TiVos, so TiVo SkipMode data is used to compute the length of each segment and that information used to estimate segment end points.
  • That assumption typically yields a pretty good set of cut points that are not too far off, usually about 2-4 seconds late (i.e. a couple of seconds into start of commercials).
  • Once cut points are computed kmttg automatically adds an AutoSkip entry to kmttg AutoSkip table.
  • Once an AutoSkip table entry exists (indicated by S in NPL table) you can choose Play in AutoSkip mode menu entry (bindkey z) to start playback of the show in AutoSkip mode for hands free automatic commercial skipping.
  • You can also use Export AutoSkip cuts menu entry (bindkey e) to export the cut points to a VideoRedo project file or edl cut file which you can be used with the Ad Cut task to cut out auto-detected commercials.

"AutoSkip from SkipMode - ALL" (bindkey w)

  • This will search through whole NPL table looking for entries containing SkipMode data and that don't already have AutoSkip entries.
  • If any eligible entries found then you are prompted to confirm it's OK to run "AutoSkip from SkipMode" function on all of the entries in succession.
  • i.e. This is a means to automate generation of AutoSkip data from SkipMode data for all eligible entries without having to process one by one.

Automating AutoSkip from SkipMode

AutoSkip from SkipMode task can be automated by scheduling to run kmttg in batch mode on your OS at times of your choosing that won't interfere with viewing on your TiVo(s). For more information and examples of that on Windows OS consult the [windows_task_scheduler] Wiki page. Of course can be similarly handled on other OS types as well for example using cron jobs.

"Export AutoSkip cuts" (bindkey e)

  • This command operates on 1 or more selected entries in NPL table.
  • Will export cuts to VideoRedo project file if VideoRedo is enable, else will export cuts to edl file.
  • For VideoRedo project file creation, .mpg or .ts file will be used as reference video file if either exists, else .TiVo file will be used whether or not it exists.

"Play in AutoSkip mode" (bindkey z)

  • This command operates on 1st selected entry in NPL table.
  • For table entries that have AutoSkip data available (indicated with S in 1st column of NPL table) this will start playback of the show on your TiVo in AutoSkip mode for hands free automatic commercial skipping. (You must leave kmttg running for the duration of the show to get auto skipping).


Wiki: AutoSkip
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Wiki: keyboard_shortcuts
Wiki: windows_task_scheduler