
shows not displaying

  • Andrew

    Andrew - 2017-07-04

    When kmttg scans my tivo it correctly says it's scanning 800+ shows currently recorded, but the UI is only displaying 34 shows. How come shows aren't showing on the UI grid? I have a TiVo Roamio and have kmttg installed on windows 10. Here is what the grid at the bottom of kmttg shows:

    >> Getting Now Playing List from DVR DD41_Roamio ...
    NPL job completed: 0:00:01
    ---DONE--- job=javaplaylist tivo=DVR DD41_Roamio
    >> Continuing Now Playing List from DVR DD41_Roamio (32/881)...
    NPL job completed: 0:00:02
    ---DONE--- job=javaplaylist tivo=DVR DD41_Roamio
    >> Continuing Now Playing List from DVR DD41_Roamio (34/881)...
    NPL job completed: 0:00:03
    ---DONE--- job=javaplaylist tivo=DVR DD41_Roamio
    34 SHOWS, 84 GB USED
    >> RUNNING 'REMOTE NP List' JOB FOR TiVo: DVR DD41_Roamio
    REMOTE job completed: 0:00:20
    ---DONE--- job='REMOTE NP List' TiVo=DVR DD41_Roamio

    Last edit: Andrew 2017-07-04
  • Kevin Moye

    Kevin Moye - 2017-07-04

    Need more details. What kmttg version are you running? Please post the messge logs when you click on Refresh button so I can see what kmttg is running.

  • Kevin Moye

    Kevin Moye - 2017-07-04

    OK, I see you edited post to show details. You are using the traditional XML method for retriveing shows. Since you have a Roamio switch to RPC method:
    File--Configuration--Program Options--Use RPC to get NPL when possible
    Also, if you added your Roamio manually, make sure that under Configuration--Tivos tab that RPC is enabled for your Roamio.

  • Andrew

    Andrew - 2017-07-04

    I rebooted the TiVo and now it's working again.


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