
KMago / News: Recent posts

release 2.0 available

port to KDE3, plus some minor bug fixes and changes

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2003-11-15

stable release 1.1.2 available

Added DCOP interface.
Fixed restoring, "start with resume check", fatal error management and some other minor bugs.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-04-19

Red Hat 7 Packages available

Source and i386 binary packages for Red Hat 7 available for release 1.1.1

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-04-14

first stable release 1.1.1 available

Rearranged clipboard operations.
Ready for translations.
Added "disable http cache" kio config entry.
Added event notification on transfer start, error, complete, application quit.
Added menu entries for exit on idle, kill all, execute on idle.
Added conf entry for "idle command".
Added a bunch of options to control run-time behaviour.
Added transfer's download progress windows, with tray icon.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-04-04

Red Hat 7 Packages available for release 1.1

Source and binary for i386 packages available for release 1.1

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-03-30

beta release 1.1 available

"set" entry in menu to modify some settings, included priority.
"minimum bandwidth" manager configuration entry.
option to run as single application.
"settings" dialog included in "configure" dialog, now "status" dialog is read-only.
"disable cookie" configure entry for kio transfer.
new managers view based on ListView.
"exit-on-idle" option, to enable the to stop the program when there are no transfer available to download.
"download-lock" option, to enable/disable download lock.
document format changed, added version control.
too many changes to tell.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-03-24

beta release 1.0.3 available

many fixes in kio, now ready to use
visual improvements, as transfer's detail settings, manager's renameable, menus extensions
minor fixes in wget parsing

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-02-02

Debian and Red Hat 7 packages available

Debian and Red Hat 7 packages available for release 1.0.2

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-01-20

beta release 1.0.1 available

added popup menu with managers on dropping into systray or dropping target
added a manager selection in transfer dialog
added wget version in parse bug report
bugs fixed

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-01-14

debian and RH packages available

binary package for debian, source and binary for red hat, available for release 1.0

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-01-06

beta release 1.0 available

- redesign of view interface
- manager view is an icon view, with icons changing in response to changes in manager's state
- rearragement of configure dialogs, now grouped into one more KDE compliant
- fixed parse bugs
- there still a problem in d'n'd between manager views, move actions are misteriously transformed in copy actions
- added a lock/unlock button for automatic downloading - added drop target for motif d'n'd
- added XML driven gui
- added toolbar and keybinding configuration, still broken the changing of the xml file, due to xml bug in reading document type
- split toolbar into manager toolbar and transfer toolbar, icons are needed to substitute the duplicated ones
- added rpm for red hat, thanks to Andrea Pesarini <>

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2001-01-03

beta release 0.6 available

added defaults managements, configuration dialogs rearrangement, fixed parse bugs.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-12-06

beta release 0.5.3 available

fixed parse errors.
added transfer and manager clear buttons.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-11-20

beta release 0.5.2 available

fixed some parsing bugs.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-11-17

beta release 0.5.1 available

fixed "add manager" bug, fixed "statusbar resize" bug

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-11-16

beta release 0.5 available

general improvements and bugs fixed.

WARNING: for RH 7 users, and everyone who have gcc 2.96
The compilation goes well on gcc 2.95, but gcc 2.96 find some bugs here and there. I don't have gcc 2.96 so I patch it when you send me a bug report. If you want to help me, please me mail your availability to receive the tar file via email, compile it, and send me some feedback, i really appreciate it.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-11-14

alpha release 0.4 available

maintenance release

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-11-09

added debian package

added debian package, fix solaris bug, minor changes

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-10-30

release 0.3.1: fixed resource.h bug

fix resource.h file dependancy bug and minor changes

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-10-29

alpha release 0.3 available

added tray icon, floating menus, bug fixes and general improvements

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-10-28

alpha release 0.2.1 available

bug fixes and enhancements

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-10-09

alpha release 0.2 available

Improved interface with transfer's groups management.
Drag and drop support with external application (konqeror, netscape, ...) and between kmago widgets.
Bug fixes and general improvements.

Posted by Sergio Moretti 2000-10-04