
\cite{} and comment/uncomment in Kile 1.7

  • eastofjune

    eastofjune - 2004-10-19


    I am currently trying out Kile 1.7 and have encountered two problems:

    I have inserted the lines
    at the end of my document. When I want to insert a citation from my .bib file, the dropdown list I get with 'LaTeX -> References -> cite' is empty. In Xemacs using RefTeX it works just fine.

    The function to comment/uncomment parts of my tex document seems not to work. Nothing happens when I apply 'Tools -> Comment' on a selected region.

    Are these bugs or did I simply make a mistake?

    Tanks in advance!

    • Jeroen Wijnhout

      Jeroen Wijnhout - 2004-10-19


      Can you specify /path/to/bibliography and the path of the TeX file?

      For the commenting/uncommenting bug, this is a known issue with the KDE libraries. AFAIK it is fixed in KDE 3.3.1.


    • eastofjune

      eastofjune - 2004-10-19

      Both files (the .tex file and the .bib) file are in different folders in my home directory

      .tex file: ~/Work/Documents/Note.tex
      .bib file: ~/Work/Bibliography/bibliography.bib

      The lines in my .tex file are:

      • Jeroen Wijnhout

        Jeroen Wijnhout - 2004-10-19

        That clarifies it. Kile doesn't do shell expansions (yet). Trying giving a relative or absolute path name:
        for example.


    • eastofjune

      eastofjune - 2004-10-19

      Wow, you are quick.

      I inserted the full path into the /bibliography{} command now. It still doesn't work. The .bbl file remains empty, too.

      • Jeroen Wijnhout

        Jeroen Wijnhout - 2004-10-19

        I'm super quick ;-)

        Ok, stick with the absolute file path. You are most likely not using a project, are you? Create a project add the TeX file and bib file to the project. That should work. Most recently added features only work with projects in Kile.


    • eastofjune

      eastofjune - 2004-10-19

      I am in a project and I added the .bib file. It seems to make no difference.

      • Jeroen Wijnhout

        Jeroen Wijnhout - 2004-10-19

        I tested a bit further with the following files:


        does work but

        Can you confirm that? If you select Project->Refresh Project Tree, you should see that the .bib file becomes a child of the TeX file in the project tree. If not, Remove and then re-add the .bib file from the project.


    • eastofjune

      eastofjune - 2004-10-19

      I can confirm that.

    • Thijs Heus

      Thijs Heus - 2004-10-20

      If I'm not mistaken, Kile works from the current directory. So, in the example of Jeroen, you'd get either /home/wijnhout/WORK/PROEFSCHRIFT//home/wijnhout/WORK/test.bib
      or /home/wijnhout/WORK/PROEFSCHRIFT/../test as a path. The first of course would not work. I think this is a bug which comes up in at least a few other parts of the program.


    • Jeroen Wijnhout

      Jeroen Wijnhout - 2004-10-20

      Well, you are almost right. If the filename is an absolute path, Kile makes an exception. It could very well be that there is a bug in the way the exception is dealt with.

      Thanks for the pointer!



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