
typing backwards

  • Florian Brandner


    I am seeing some problems with Kile 2.0.85 (KDE 4.4.4, on OpenSuse 11.3). The
    editor often loses the focus while typing and sometimes -- for no apparent
    reason -- starts writing backwards. Initially, I thought that I am hitting a
    shortcut that triggers the problem, but this is not the case. It also appears
    to be Kile specific. I am using Kate and Kdevelop a lot, which, as far as I
    can tell, use the same editor component, but the problem does not appear

    I have seen this behavior also on previous versions of Kile and KDE on
    OpenSuse 11.2.

    I checked the bug reports and mailing lists, but did not find anything
    related. Am I the only one seeing this? Is it a known problem?

    Many thanks for your help,


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-06

    Hi Florian,

    I have also experienced this weird behavior. Closing and reopening the
    respective tex file usually helped.

    I am not completely sure, but as far as I remember this problem only occurred
    to me on kde 4.4, but not with kde 4.5.

    Would a change to kde 4.5 an option for you?

    The step from 4.4 to 4.5 also helped to overcome some problems when the
    autocomplete feature of kile for

    \reference or \cite would only work once the document with the definition of
    the label was openend once in the editor.



  • Florian Brandner

    Hi Michael,

    thanks for your reply. I'll give the latest Kile/KDE version a try when I have
    some time to play :-)



  • c42105

    c42105 - 2011-09-01

    Hi everyone,

    I've found identical odd behaviour here. Only with kile, not kate!

    Kile 2.0.85

    KDE 4.4.5 (kubuntu)



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