
Texmaker uses Kile code w/o origin notifica.?

  • Thomas Fischer

    Thomas Fischer - 2005-08-11

    Hello, I just stumbled over Texmaker [1], which is a Qt-based TeX editor for Linux, Win, and MacOSX. After starting the software I noticed some similarities to Kile. Taking a look at the source code revealed that several source files seem to come from (an older version of) Kile [2]. However, all original copyright notifications have been removed and grepping over the source dir does not find "kile" or "Wijnhout" a single time. The file COPYRIGHT as the license file is missing, too.
    Is this a violation of the GPL or does the GPL allow Texmaker's author to use Kile's code this way?

    [2] e.g. symbolview.cpp

    • Thomas Fischer

      Thomas Fischer - 2005-08-11

      Ah, ok. Sorry for causing much ado about nothing...

      Now I can recommend Texmaker to those who are not (yet) using Linux/KDE ;-)

    • Martijn Kuipers

      Martijn Kuipers - 2005-08-11

      History is as follows:
      Pascal Brachet creates KTexmaker. Jeroen Wijnhout makes many changes and the code gets forked. The goal of Jeroen is to create a Latex editor for KDE (which he is doing a fine job at), while Pascal wants to have no/less dependencies on KDE, so it will work without too much hassle on Windows and Unix too.
      Pascal is also doing a fine job.

      It was a bit more complicated, but a google will reveal the entire story. I would not like to bring the issue up again and giving it more exposure than it deserves.

      Both are working on fulfilling their goals for, respectively, Kile and Texmaker, but this whole play-out was not without arguments.

      Thanks to being GPL, this was all possible.
      You now even have an advantage: You have a choice!

      Hope this explains it a bit. Just choose or use both.


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