Activity for Kile LaTeX Editor

  • Ondřej Suchý Ondřej Suchý modified a comment on discussion kile

    I have kile installed on win 10. On each call, it creates a new instance (window), as if there was the --new option, even if it is not there. It happens even with reverse search, making it rather useless. Is there a way to change this behavior?

  • Uwe Brauer Uwe Brauer posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I would like to run latex/xelatex/pdflatex/biber with the option --output-directory=build/ Build being a (relative) subdirectory of the directory I am working. 1) I run all these commands successfully from the command line, 2) I also managed to change the configuration for latex/pdflatex/xelatex so that the output-directory option works 3) however for biber this fails! It is possible to run biber with this option form the command line, but kile complains of not finding the appropriate files,...

  • Ondřej Suchý Ondřej Suchý posted a comment on discussion kile

    I have kile installed on win 10. On each call, it creates a new instace (window), as if there was the --new option, even if it is not there. It happens even with reverse search, making it rather useless. Is there a way to change this behavior?

  • yshirman yshirman posted a comment on discussion kile

    I just noticed a (new for me)) problem with the inverse search which is actually a problem with --line" option. If I open a file from the command line and include --line option, everything works as expected - the file is opened and kile jumps to the correct line. However, if the file is already opened, kile will not jump to the desired line and the cursor stays where it was. If I have several files opened, the kile will move to the tab with the correct file but will not move the cursor to the desired...

  • Kile LaTeX Editor Kile LaTeX Editor released /unstable/kile-3.0b4/kile-2.9.94-1.tar.bz2

  • Kile LaTeX Editor Kile LaTeX Editor released /unstable/kile-3.0b4/kile-2.9.94.tar.bz2

  • Olivier_V Olivier_V posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, When I open new files (with automatic kile-livepreview launch) PdfLaTex is used and I have to switch manually to XeLaTeX. How to set XeLaTeX as default for kile-livepreview ? I saw for already opened files kile_livePreviewTool=LivePreview-XeLaTeX in kilerc but don't find the general parameter. Thank you for help

  • Rock Ash Rock Ash posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hello, You're right about the preview files being generated in the /tmp directory. The easiest workaround I found for this was adding the following snippet to my .tex file, which passes the output directory parameter to the minted package: \usepackage{currfile-abspath} \getabspath{\jobname.log} \PassOptionsToPackage{outputdir=\theabsdir}{minted} \usepackage{minted} Also note, that to find the output directory, the -recorder option will be needed in the compilation script.

  • Miroslav Vácha Miroslav Vácha posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I'm trying install Kile from rpm on RHEL 7.9 ( proprietary machine with no internet connetction) . I instaled texlive-full as root (//usr/local/texlive/2021) When I want to install Kile i get: [root@xxx test]# rpm -i kile-2.1.3-7.el7.x86_64.rpm error: Failed dependencies: tex(latex) is needed by kile-2.1.3-7.el7.x86_64 Is something missing in my path?? or something like that? Where is Kile looking for latex?

  • Jules Bouton Jules Bouton posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I'm currently having troubles with the QuickPreview tool. (not the LivePreview one) When setting it to XeLaTex (in order to manage packages like polyglossia), it behaves as follows : - When using it on environment : kile uses pdftek instead of xelatex. Of course, it raises an error. - When using it on sub-document : kile uses xelatex, as expected, and... it works (as expected) This does not depend on the content of the document. I observed the same behavior with LuaLaTex settings. Setting "Quickpreview"...

  • Arne Hallam Arne Hallam posted a comment on discussion kile

    Suddenly when I paste things into the find and/or find and replace window I get a light green background so that I cannot see what I have pasted. And paste from the edit menu does not work , I have to use CTRL-V. I am not aware of updating anything. I am using Fedora 35. Everything else works as usual.

  • Nikola Vitas Nikola Vitas posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi guys, Usually I work with many files opened simultaneously. I keep Files & Projects open in the sidebar. However, the list of files doesn't seem to be sorted in any obvious way. Is there a way to sort it either alphabetically or by the modification time? Thanks!!

  • Andrea Agosti Andrea Agosti posted a comment on discussion kile

    Can someone please advise how to configure to print the nomenclature?

  • Alberto Alberto posted a comment on discussion kile

    Ctrl+D adds a % at the beginning of the sentence to comment it. I'd like something similar with \item for lists, so I don't have to go to the beginning of the sentence to include it since I use LaTeX a lot to improve how some LibreOffice documents looks like. Meaning that I copy/paste the text in LaTeX and then give it style (including lists)

  • Rochdi Boudjehem Rochdi Boudjehem posted a comment on discussion kile

    I share your opinion, It would be very nice to integrate a Git graphical interface plugin like all new IDEs like VSCode.

  •  sf-mathstuff sf-mathstuff posted a comment on discussion kile

    I can set other editors to open by default (TeXMaker, TeXWorks), but after I set Kile to open .tex files by default the files won't open. I double-click on a .tex file and I get the error "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." Since I don't get this error when other editors are set to open by default I don't think it's anything to do with permissions on the .tex file itself. I've tried uninstalling Kile and reinstalling...

  • Gilles Tiar Gilles Tiar posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I saw this topic a few times, but never found the solution. I'm working on a book, compiling with Xelatex (Kile 2.9.93, Ubuntu 20.10). When I turn around to see my latest changes on PDF (ViewPDF or ForwardPDF), it opens every time in the beginning. I wish to go directly to my latest changes. I hope to find some help, Thanks

  • Daniel Platt Daniel Platt posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi all, how can I install Kile on Mac OS 10.15.6? When following the step-by-step guide from 2007 at I get stuck at step 5. There I get the message: "Failed: no package found for specification 'kdebase3'!" How can I solve this problem? Thank you and best wishes

  • Asad Asad modified a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I am facing a strange problem. My kile hangs for a couple of seconds after every 20-30 seconds. My OS is Unbuntu 16 LTS. I removed kile completely and reinstalled. Yet nothing works. Can anyone help?

  • Asad Asad posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I am facing a strange problem. My kile hangs for a couple of seconds after 20-30 seconds. My OS is Unbuntu 16 LTS. I removed kile completely and reinstalled. Yet nothing works. Can anyone help?

  • Tanvir Hussain Tanvir Hussain posted a comment on discussion kile

    Add the path of TeXLive 2020 to your .bashrc and .profile. In .bashrc add the following lines (considering the texlive is installed in root) PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2020/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH; export PATH In ~/.profile add the following lines at the end (make sure to check the path of texlive installation; I have installed texlive in root - so the path starts with /usr/local/) PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2020/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games...

  • Vincent Forman Vincent Forman created ticket #3

    Cannot drag and drop files onto Kile's window (on Windows) when a file ie already open + problem with default encoding

  • s-r-grass s-r-grass created ticket #2

    Thanks for the program under a free open source license!

  • Brian Kolner Brian Kolner posted a comment on discussion kile

    Does anyone know how to disable the annoying flash of the window that temporarily shows the background processing while Kile is compiling a LaTeX document?

  • M-Lo M-Lo posted a comment on discussion kile

    I have texlive 2020 installed (elementary OS 5.1.5 Hera, Ubuntu 18.04). When I install Kile, texlive 2017 is also automatically installed. If I open Kile from the command line it uses the 2020 version of texlive, but if I open it by clicking on the Kile logo in the AppCenter it uses the 2017 version. What can I do so that (a) the 2017 version of texlive is not installed, and (b) Kile always uses the 2020 version of texlive? Thanks for any help.

  • Tanvir Hussain Tanvir Hussain posted a comment on discussion kile

    I am using Kile version 2.9.93 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I could compile TeX documents using Kile. No issues with it. In the KILE editor, I do not understand why one of the environment (vmatrix or pmatrix) is highlighted (in red) where all of my enviroments are in blue. This makes the subsequent texts inside the environment (which is math environment) look like simple text. Although this does not affect the outcome, but I want to understand why it gets highlighted in such a way. A screenshot of the editor...

  • Zvi Zvi posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hey, Kile is great. But after upgrading to the latest version toolbards have massive fonds. Wherne I can fix that please? Thanks!

  • Kaspar Wolfisberg Kaspar Wolfisberg modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Please somebody delete this thread, I couldn't figure out how. I meant to post in the Kile forum, which I later did

  • Kaspar Wolfisberg Kaspar Wolfisberg modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Please somebody delete this thread, I couldn't figure out how. I meant to post in the Kile forum, which I later did Hi, I really like Kile so far. But I can't figure out how to get the minted package to work with Kile's LivePreview. First the file could not compile because of a missing -shell-escape flag. I fixed that by adding the flag in the kilerc directly under the Tool/LivePreview-PDFLateX Section. This led me to be able to...

  • Kaspar Wolfisberg Kaspar Wolfisberg posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I really like Kile so far. But I can't figure out how to get the minted package to work with Kile's LivePreview. First the file could not compile because of a missing -shell-escape flag. I fixed that by adding the flag in the kilerc directly under the Tool/LivePreview-PDFLateX Section. This led me to be able to compile the file but the live preview feature still won't work. It just says 'Cannot open log file; did you run LaTeX?' I assume this happens because the live preview files are saved under...

  • Kaspar Wolfisberg Kaspar Wolfisberg modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I really like Kile so far. But I can't figure out how to get the minted package to work with Kile's LivePreview. First the file could not compile because of a missing -shell-escape flag. I fixed that by adding the flag in the kilerc directly under the Tool/LivePreview-PDFLateX Section. This led me to be able to compile the file but the live preview feature still won't work. It just says 'Cannot open log file; did you run LaTeX?' I assume this happens because the live preview files are saved under...

  • Kaspar Wolfisberg Kaspar Wolfisberg posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I really like Kile so far. But I can't figure out how to get the minted package to work with Kile's LivePreview. First the file could not compile because of a missing -shell-escape flag. I fixed that by adding the flag in the kilerc directly under the Tool/LivePreview-PDFLateX Section. This led me to be able to compile the file but the live preview feature still won't work. It just says 'Cannot open log file; did you run LaTeX?' I assume this happens because the live preview files are saved under...

  • Harith zaid abdulateef al-safi Harith zaid abdulateef al-safi posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hello everyone, I have installed kile on my xubuntu laptop and the symbols dont seem to show. However hovering over them and clicking them does work. So what do you think the problem is? I have attahced a video as a link and an attachment so I hope this helps. Thank you for your time. Link:

  • Kile LaTeX Editor Kile LaTeX Editor released /unstable/kile-3.0b3/kile-2.9.93-566-windows-msvc2017_64-cl.exe

  • Kile LaTeX Editor Kile LaTeX Editor released /kile-2.9.93-566-windows-msvc2017_64-cl.exe

  • Kile LaTeX Editor Kile LaTeX Editor released /unstable/kile-3.0b3/kile-2.9.93-539-windows-msvc2017_64-cl.exe

  • Kile LaTeX Editor Kile LaTeX Editor released /unstable/kile-3.0b3/kile-2.9.93.tar.bz2

  • Michel Ludwig committed [0ef8b1]


  • <REDACTED> posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The document is typeset correctly (nor errors), but there is no display of the pdf. In fact the pdf-file is not saved. kile setup > tools 1. viewpdf choose Evince command /usr/bin/evince options '%target' quickbuild choose pdflatex + viewpdf tool Archive [changed to Quickbuild, no positive change] configur. actual setup (pdflatex + viewpdf) window pdflatex viewpdf Preview config. pdflatex -> pdf After typesetting output: no errors, 20 warnings, 1 Badbox. The pdf-file is not saved: the file manager...

  • Abhinav Abhinav posted a comment on discussion kile

    I have the same question! I need to configure LivePreview to use BibLaTeX/Biber instead of BibTeX, and it looks like Kile cannot tell which one to use automatically.

  • Jahiro Calvet Jahiro Calvet posted a comment on discussion kile

    I have the same problem, I installed the kile 3.0 but when I compile the .tex with figures, I can't see any figure in the PDF. Before, I installed the kile 2.1.3 but I have the same problem again. Someone knows where is the problem and How I can to configure it correctly?

  • Thomas Schlögl Thomas Schlögl posted a comment on discussion kile

    Sadly this bug is still not fixed ...

  • Sergey Slizovskiy Sergey Slizovskiy posted a comment on discussion kile

    Hi, I have a very strange bug on Linux Mint 19, Kile 2.9.91. When I press: Open File, I see only the files that were present when Kile was started. I cannot see any files added to the folder afterwards. This has not been an issue before. Any hints are welcome. Thank you! I suspect, it's some issue with KDE environment.

  • Ilja Schmelzer Ilja Schmelzer created ticket #1

    Live preview fails in 2.9.92 for strange characters

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [4a4499]

    Moved Kile documentation into kdeextragear-2/doc

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [19a41c]

    small change from Laurent (don't QDialog::Accept to test if ok-button was clicked in Kile::fileNew() )

  • Lauri Watts committed [7e165d]

    Initial (rough) conversion of legacy HTML documentation to DocBook XML

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [0dcd89]

    merge in changes (mostly include header fixes) made by Laurent in

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [ba8e1e]

    added error/warning/suggestion messages if user tries to

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [102fa5]

    Move Kile to kdeextragear-2 (yes, it's Kile not Kite, got permission from original

  • Laurent Montel Laurent Montel committed [c91aba]

    Fix compile

  • Stephan Binner committed [1c81af]

    i18n and i18n style guide fixes

  • Stephan Binner committed [abb141]

    CVS_SILENT i18n style guide fixes, 2nd run

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [ecba56]

    added bugs to TODO list (user feedback)

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [27f882]

    Split the Message/Log tab into a messages and a log tab. Raw output of the

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [3f9c5c]

    more detailed log messages

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [8a02a1]

    - added a "remove template" option

  • Lukas Tinkl Lukas Tinkl committed [fa7933]

    another batch of i18n cleanup

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [a2cfe0]

    - fixed crash when ViewLog called

  • Lukas Tinkl Lukas Tinkl committed [84c5ed]

    ah, and I blamed minicli :)

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [f0de29]

    - fixed splash (wrong size)

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [0509bc]

    fix compile for system with -DQT_NO_ASCII_CAST

  • Ben Burton committed [9736e0]

    Added updates for CVS version.

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [1849db]

    workaround for kdvi crashes (only when you launch it with tooltips several times in a row), it just disables the tooltip of kdvi

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [4f1b96]

    Kite -> Kile

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [631cd8]

    FileClose: display name of document when asking to save current document

  • Ben Burton committed [0104e0]

    Imported packaging for Kile 1.5.

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [54c9b3]

    use docbook/khelpcenter help instead of html/kpart help

  • Stephan Kulow committed [0191f7]

    fixing Makefiles

  • Stefan Asserhäll committed [38aea9]

    Added configurable possibility to use standard KDE menu accelerators

  • Dirk Mueller committed [d0a16b]


  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [c9cb00]

    don't lookup the verbatim char twice

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [afba33]

    fix a memory leak

  • Laurent Montel Laurent Montel committed [2d4c8d]

    Use KCmdLineLastOption

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [105a3f]

    *** empty log message ***

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [10c132]

    small highlighting bugfixes

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [d801ec]

    basic paren matching, design flaws:

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [0c0e83]

    fixed spelling bugs: 58758, 58760, 58759 (spelling for large documents, ignoring LaTeX commands, spelling of selected text)

  • Stefan Asserhäll committed [61906b]

    Fixed i18n

  • Dirk Mueller committed [48e20a]

    an example why KDE uses STL.

  • Stephan Binner committed [d28f06]

    CVS_SILENT i18n style guide fixes

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [aeaf55]

    spell checking bugs...

  • Script Kiddy committed [f7cdfe]

    CVS_SILENT made messages

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [d1cd85]

    complete rewrite of the syntax highlighting code

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [717332]

    added an autosave feature

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [ff23fe]

    - fix compile (bug 59110)

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [121d75]

    - cleaned up usertag/usertool code, user can now add as many tag/tool as he/she likes, but only first twelve get a shortcut

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [bafe97]

    - save current file if a user command containing %S (subst. by the current file name) is executed

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [9a1ccb]

    version control for kilerc

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [cb9877]

    add to TODO

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [91dc92]

    add dtx files to file filter list

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [324bf7]

    fix little 'insert \textit' bug

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [c91a7a]

    added encoding section

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [a2521a]

    - use KTextEdit instead of QTextEdit

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [b219a3]

    version 1.5.2b

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [22753b]

    fix compile

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [134f2d]

    - check if tex document is a LaTeX root (i.e. contains \documentclass or \documentstyle) before attempting to compile

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [7c8e24]

    granted wish 58972: disable looping on error messages

  • Roland Schulz committed [2fe0d1]

    removed unnecessary files

  • Jeroen Wijnhout committed [fc574a]

    - fix Bug 59727: labels structure tree inconvenience

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